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The 700 Club

Basic Organic Gardening Techniques

Courtesy of: Growing Green Acres - Many people think of organic gardening as growing without the use of pesticides or herbicides. This is true but there is so much more. Using companion planting methods, you create habitats for beneficial insects, deter problem pests, and enrich your soil to create a living ecosystem of beneficial bacteria and helpful fungi. By enriching your soil, you are able to grow vegetables and herbs that are much more nutritious than those at your local supermarket.

The first step in insect control is to cultivate strong, vigorous plants by cultivating a healthy place where they can grow. Normally (about 90% of the time), insects only attack unhealthy plants. Just as a healthy person who eats good food is less susceptible to disease, so are healthy plants on a good diet less susceptible to plant disease and insect attack.

Here are some basic good gardening techniques:

Properly planning your garden can eliminate many insect and disease problems.

Birds eat thousands of insects and weed seeds. Set up a bird feeder or two.
Plant flowers & herbs to deter unwanted insects. Borage: deters many pests including tomato hornworm. Marigolds: deter nematodes, leaf hoppers, mexican bean beetles and other pests. Nasturtiums: deter aphids, cabbage looper, squash bug, white fly, cucumber beetles. Hand pick unwanted pest if needed and feed to happy chickens!

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