Module 2 - Part 1: The Law of Reciprocity
Journal Notes
Now that you have completed this part of the module, take a moment to journal some of your thoughts while they're still fresh in your mind and in your heart. Ask God what He wants to share with you regarding the material. And when He speaks to you, and/or impresses things upon you, be ready to record them in your journal. If you are taking this course with a friend or small group, consider writing down any noteworthy points from discussion or creative thoughts you might have as a result of conversation.
Your Assignment
Read your response to the Action Graph question for this lesson that asks "What specific action can you put into practice to test the benefits of this principle?" This week, take the action you wrote and apply it to your life. Then write a reflective journal entry or blog post about how you applied the principle to your life and what you may have seen as a result. Write as much or as little as you see fit to truly reflect on your application of this principle to your life. Putting your head knowledge into action is what truly matters!