Module 1 - Part 1: The Law of Use
Lesson Commentary
What are the marks of success? How do you measure real accomplishment? When Jesus told His followers the parable of the talents toward the end of His ministry, He was dealing with these very questions.
On the surface, the story was about investing money wisely, but Jesus was actually speaking of obedience and commitment to do the work of the Master. This is the key to the Law of Use. By doing what you know the Master wants you to do, you gain His acceptance and approval. By using your gifts wisely, you fulfill God's purpose for your life. Everyone likes to be complimented for a job well done. From childhood on, people seek recognition, to gain approval for good performance. What you most often discover is that you earn praise when you use your talents and skills effectively. Win or lose, you gain respect for doing your best.
This principle of the Law of Use teaches that to be successful you must use and develop your skills. You must be about the Master's business, pursuing whatever work He has given you to do until He returns.
When you are diligent in these things, the results multiply. This is described in The Secret Kingdom as the exponential curve, which magnifies whatever we do both good and evil. Truly, this is one of the most powerful laws of God's Kingdom.