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Roy Fields: Bringing Revival

Roy Fields wants “to make Jesus famous.” He does not want to be just a worship leader. His prayer to God has been, “Wherever you put me, let there be revival…and I won’t leave until you tell me to.”

Roy defines revival as falling in love with Jesus all over again and having the joy of your salvation restored.

Everywhere Roy has travelled there has been revival. He says people are hungry for God. “If you want revival, Christians must believe and remain hungry and desperate for God. You need to die to yourself. The power is in the Word of the testimony. It’s reviving what’s already there that has been dormant. There is so much more in God. There is a whole other level of worship,” he says.

For the last five years, Roy has been travelling to cities in the United States and other countries and has consistently seen God work miraculously, just as in Lakeland, FL, and the United Kingdom.

In Lakeland, he was the head worship leader and stayed for the duration of the whole revival, which lasted from early April to early August 2008. After his experience at Lakeland, Roy says his personal worship to God has not been the same since. One evening, they heard the angels sing (“In the Presence of Angels”). He learned to sing the sounds of heaven and the songs that God wanted to hear.

From Lakeland, he went to the United Kingdom and ministered from September 14 to November 9, 2008, with only a couple of breaks in between. At the various churches in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, several hundreds of people attended each night. By the end of the tour in England, there were 1,557 decisions made for Christ.

Roy visited Australia after the UK and ended up staying two months. “We did an eight-city tour there and in New Zealand. There were packed out crowds for two or three hours each night -- sometimes for five hours. The presence of God was so strong in each place. I thought is it going to happen in Australia and it did. People would sing in the spirit and sing without music. All of us musicians would be laid out on the floor, and we had people getting healed during the worship,” says Roy.

After Australia, they went to Amsterdam, Germany, England, then back to the United States. In a 29-day revival in Minneapolis, MN, Roy had a word of knowledge about a deaf woman in the audience. He said, “The Lord will pop your ears open tonight.” A 40-year old woman who was deaf since the age of 3 came forward. She took her hearing aids out. When Roy whispered, “Can you hear me?” the woman broke down crying.

Roy was raised as the only child of a single mother in upstate New York. He was surrounded by ministry and music throughout his formative years. His first practical musical experience came when he was in a house meeting. There were five guitarists leading worship, and the presence of the Lord was very strong. Roy was 11, and he felt the Lord call him into the ministry at that moment. From there he went on to play the acoustic guitar, drums, bass guitar, and piano. Roy began leading worship at age 14 and had a couple of bands that he had formed. The band scene never really worked out for Roy as his heart was really worship, not performance.

In the winter of 1995, Roy went on a mission's trip to Africa with a good friend of his named Rudi Louw (from South Africa). He traveled abroad to Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia. There he ministered in several villages and cities. He saw signs, wonders, and miracles happen. It changed his life forever.

Later, after about two months of moving from upstate New York and moving to Ft. Walton Beach, FL, Roy met his wife Melanie. He went on to lead worship in a local church located in Niceville, FL and from there, Roy and Melanie stepped out into full-time ministry in the summer of 2005.

After traveling for close to four years down the east coast of America from Maine to Florida, Roy found himself in Lakeland, Florida, in the summer of 2008 ministering to a global audience of over 100 million viewers by way of the Internet and television as well as over one hundred thousand people attending those meetings.

In just three years, Roy has independently sold over 30,000 copies worldwide of his music albums along with his other studio cut CDs. Roy, Melanie and his two children still remain traveling on the road today to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through worship. Now, almost two decades later, he is drawing on all those musical skills and all God has given him as the founder of Run with Fire Ministries International and the president of Roy Fields Music, Inc.

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