China observers were surprised this week when they learned a Chinese
government religious affairs official estimated the number of Christians
in China at 130 million. Up until now, the best guess was about 50 to
80 million Protestants, 20 million Catholics.
This revelation is significant because Chinese government officials
have always purposefully underestimated the number of Christians in
their country. The highest official figure they gave was about 50 million.
The 130 million figure stated by Yie Xiaowen, director of the Chinese
State Administration for Religious Affairs suggests the government finally
acknowledges the number is considerably higher.
More important, this indicates government efforts to slow or stop the
spread of Christianity have failed. Public Security Bureau officers
and other government officials don’t seem to understand that “the
blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church;” the more they
try to destroy the church, the more it flourishes. Countless stories
have been told about police welding shut the doors of underground church
meeting places. They fail to realize the church is not the building.
They may close the meeting place of a church group of 50 to 100 people,
only to discover later that the church has spread to five or six new
meeting places of say, 30 people each.
Several years ago when I met house church pioneer Samuel Lamb (he spent
more than 20 years in prison for his unregistered church activities)
he told me, “Persecution is good for the church!” Why? I
asked. He explained, “When I was first arrested, my house church
numbered about 200 people. After I was released, I learned the church
had grown to 900 members.” He went on to explain the PSB raided
the church because government officials felt it had grown too large
to tolerate. Church property was confiscated and the church was closed.
“After the confiscation, the church had grown to 2,000 members!”
he said.
That’s exactly what is happening in China today. When one unregistered
church is shut down, four or five more are born as a result.
Why not register their churches with the government? One missionary
to China recently explained the Chinese Communist Party insists the
state is number one. Chinese Christians disagree. They say Jesus is
number one--He, not the government is the head of the church. The Bible
tells us no one can serve two masters. “Either he will hate the
one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise
the other.” (Matt 6:24)
Over the years whenever he has met with Chinese government leaders,
Christian Broadcasting Network Founder and CEO, Pat Robertson has explained
that Christians pose no threat to the country--they are good, moral,
law-abiding citizens who pray regularly for their country and government
Let’s follow their example and pray for the leaders of China.
Pray for their salvation. Pray they will come to acknowledge Jesus as
number one!
To learn more about the persecution of Christians in China, visit China
Aid by clicking here: