It is a power that can overcome all of life’s challenges and obstacles. It can change your present circumstance and alter your future. It is the miraculous power of Almighty God and it makes all things possible.
Pat’s newest book unlocks the power of miraculous faith and will build your understanding to believe God for miracles in your life.
Like a hand-book on miracles – Pat’s dramatic book explains the principles within the miracles of Jesus and gives practical biblical insight to explain:
This amazing book will help you realize that with God: All Things Are Possible! It will build your faith to believe that your impossible circumstances will become unending possibilities. Through real-life modern day miracle examples and biblical insight, your heart will be convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is able to meet your need. Become a CBN Partner now and receive Miracles – Can Be Yours Today. Your miracle can happen now. Request Your Copy Today!
"This book was fantastic! It is a true faith-builder."
"I loved the book and I learned that miracles are mine for the asking"