700 Club Interactive

  • 700 Club Interactive

    700 Club Interactive is a 30-minute television program produced each weekday by The Christian Broadcasting Network. The program provides inspiration, encouragement and entertainment to its viewers and is committed to reaching the world with the Gospel message.

    700 Club Interactive can be seen in 97% of the U.S. television households and is viewed daily in 65,000 of them.

    The program aims to inspire and to show how God works in the lives of everyday people. 700 Club Interactive seeks to educate and inform people about the world around them and how the Bible is still as relevant today as it has ever been.

    700 Club Interactive can be seen in 97% of the U.S. television households and is viewed daily in 65,000 of them.

Audience & Reach

  • Impressive Viewership

    700 Club Interactive can be seen in 97% of the U.S. television households and is viewed daily in 65,000 households for 700 Club


    On FREEFORM daily at 9:30am ET

  • Where you are

    Can be viewed on smartphones, tablets, and smart TV's.

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