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The Legend Comes Back to Gospel: Don Moen
Worship leader and song writer Don Moen has written hundreds of beloved praise and worship songs and performed for millions all over the world. He has won numerous Dove awards and helped launch the career of many popular Christian artist.
Not bad for a guy who started his career writing jingles and playing keyboard for a gospel group.
“The fact that God has used me to be in front of literally millions of people, I would have never believed in a million years that I would do that, because I failed my speech class in college because I couldn't stand in front of twelve people and give a
speech,” says Don.
Following college, he prayed God would use his music.
“I said, "I don't want to ever write another song until it comes in power, praise, healing, and deliverance." And one night, I heard these words, "Open your Bible to Psalm 40, verse 3." I got up, went to my office, opened my Bible. Psalm 40, verse 3 says, "I have put a new song in your mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see it and fear, and put their trust in the Lord."
Don set out to follow God’s calling, writing praise and worship songs… and leading worship. He says it took a while to get used to the idea, “I remember the first time I was doing a praise and worship with an evangelist. I was providing the praise and worship music. I was back at the piano. I had put a microphone in front of my, by the piano, just in case I had to give some direction. And at the end of the music portion, I just felt there was something more that should be said sung. And I pulled the mic up. I took a big chance and put the mic up. And I said, "Let's all sing that chorus one more time." And I had this little mousy voice, and I was like, and I was singing, "I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee." And amazingly, the people followed me. I think they thought, "That poor guy can't sing, and he can't play.
We'd better help him out." So that was my illustrious beginning into leading praise and worship.”
For the next few decades Don would become a household name in the world of praise and worship music. And now, he is excited to be back in the studio on his first new project in over ten years, "He's On Our Side."
Don continues, “The verses, the chorus of "He's On Our Side" is, you know, "Our broken wings, they have not hindered us. We have the Lord. He's on our side." It's from Psalm 124.
If it had not been the Lord on our side, where would we be. We would have been swallowed up alive. All the things that you've been through, all the things that our people have gone through, you think, "Can God ever use me again?" And the answer is, "Yes, He can." You might have a broken wing, but they're not going to hinder you. We have the Lord. He's on our side. You will fly again.”
Don adds, “When Jesus came to the disciples in the boat, they're in a storm. He's walking on the water, and they're thinking they're going to die. And Peter says, "Lord, is it you. If it's you, tell me to come." So he said, "Come on." So Peter walked out of the water, and then he started looking at the wind and the waves, and it started to sink. And Jesus said, "Why did you doubt?" So I'm thinking about the importance in these times of keeping our eyes focused on Jesus. Because if you're focused on the news and all the stuff going on in the world, you're focusing on the wrong thing. That's the wind and the waves, and you're going to sink.”
Don adds, “If I was walking with Jesus and the disciples, and He turns to me and said, "Hey, Don, would you just lead us in some worship?" What would I say. What would I sing? That's how I started that one song. He's worthy. He is.”
Don is grateful for the call God placed on his life and humbled by the millions who have embraced his music and leadership. “When I look at the journey, I'm as amazed as anybody, and I love to tell people, "If God can use me to do that, He can use anybody," because I was not the guy that wanted to be on a stage doing all this stuff, but the Lord kind of pushed me out there. It's a platform God has given me that I would have never built by myself, but it's just something that God did, and I'm as amazed as anybody.”

Young Forever… Sort Of
Mark Rutland, now in his seventies, has written Keep On Keeping On: How to Die Young as Old as Possible for those embracing the challenges of aging. Offering a laugh-out-loud handbook on how to face the realities of getting older with a positive attitude, Mark shares everyday experiences like grocery shopping, doctor visits, and dining out as comedic adventures within the context of aging.
Rutland playfully warns that the book is not for the young, stating, "Do not let them read it; they cannot bear it". His comedic touch makes the loss of youthful delusions relatable and surprisingly uplifting. Aimed at those who understand that "the good night is just around the bend," Mark encourages those facing the day-to-day reality of aging.
“This book is not about sounding retreat. It is about finding the joy in life as it is and not grieving about life as it was, or at least as I remember it. This book is about looking in the mirror and saying to the graying visage there, ‘You are no longer young. What a relief. Enjoy being pleasant and invisible.’”
Key aspects of the book include:
1. Addressing bodily aches and pains without fear of the future.
2. Celebrating the "sweet rage that defies the dying of the light."
3. Sharing personal experiences of aging: Mark draws on his encounters with the challenges of getting older, transforming everyday experiences into comedic adventures.
4. Confronting aging challenges with a smile and humor.
After preaching a sermon at a young pastor's church, Mark was heading to leave when the pastor's wife took Mark's arm to assist him down the stairs. "I realized it was a spontaneous gesture of genuine concern. She was steadying the old guy on the dark stairs, and it was a bit of a shock," he shares. At that moment, he could have jerked his arm away in embarrassment, but he chose humility and thanked God that someone cared enough to try and prevent him from breaking his hip. Mark says that perspective is vital and that using humor helps.
“When you spend a half hour looking all over the house for your reading glasses and find they were
on your head the whole time, that’s funny. When you are talking with younger folks and realize they have no idea, none whatsoever, what a pay phone is, that’s funny,” he shares.
Dr. Rutland accepted Christ as a teenager. After college and graduate school, he climbed the corporate ladder of his church denomination (Methodist) to advance his career. But feeding his selfish ambition, pride, and ego did not bring him contentment. Twice in one month, he tried to commit suicide. The turnaround came when he and his wife attended a conference to learn about the Holy Spirit. Once Dr. Rutland spiritually saw how ungodly he was, he felt tremendous conviction and thought God was going to kill him. When the conference speaker prayed for Dr. Rutland, he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This was a true turning point that renewed Dr. Rutland’s faith.
For more information on Dr. Mark Rutland click the Link! and check out his ministry Global Servants as well at
New York Times best-selling author, latest: Keep On Keeping On: How to Die Young as Old as Possible” (Charisma House, 2024); Founder and President, Global Servants; Former President, Oral Roberts University (2009-2013); Former President, Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL (1999-2009); Director of the National Institute of Christian Leadership (NICL), Former Pastor, Calvary Assembly of God in Orlando, FL; Education: University of Maryland (BS); Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta (M.Div.); California Graduate School of Theology (Ph.D.); Wife—Alison; Children— 3 children & 9 grandchildren.

She Was Almost Given Away, Until Hope Arrived
When baby Srey Nea was born with a cleft lip, her mom wondered how they would care for her.
"I said to my husband, 'If this is going to be so hard, maybe we should give her to someone else to raise.' But he said, “No. No matter what we will take care of our little girl. I said, 'How can we afford to take care of her? We’re barely getting by as it is.'" Said Sokieng.
Srey Nea’s older sister of Na was upset when she overheard what her mom said.
“Mom want-ed to give her away to someone else in the village, but I could not let that happen. I love her too much.” Srey Nea’s sister Srey Na admitted.
But the pressure mounted when even the neighbors
told the baby’s father to abandon her.
“They were so mean. They gossiped about her and called her names like “brok lip.” I was furious but could not do anything about it.” Added Srey Nea’s father Ruon.
“I'm trying to save for her operation. I will work any type of job. I would do anything for my family.” He continued.
Then thanks to YOU Operation Blessing paid for Srey Nea to receive the surgery needed to repair her cleft lip. That operation was a success.
"Her face looks different now. She actually looks really pretty when she smiles. And she does not choke anymore. It’s amazing!” Sokieng joyfully states.
"I can't even find the words right now. I'm so incredibly grateful to God for making this happen. It's like a dream come true! He's helped me so much, and I'll never forget everything he's done for me."
Thanks you to Operation Blessings!
"My sister's cleft lip is all healed now; Thank you to the kind people who helped her!” Concluded Srey Na

Transforming Young Lives Through Superbook
In a small church community in Thailand, Miss Vajchanaporn, a dedicated Sunday school teacher, faced the challenge of making Bible stories engaging and understandable for young children. Located in a region where traditional teaching methods often left children disinterested and confused, she sought a solution that would bring the Word of God to life in a way that resonated with her students.
Miss Vajchanaporn had been using Bible League materials, which included teacher guides and coloring books, to teach her Sunday school classes. While these resources were helpful, she noticed that simply telling the stories wasn’t enough to capture the children’s attention or help them retain the lessons. “Sometimes when a Sunday school teacher tells a story, the children may not fully understand it. Explaining stories to young children using only words can be challenging; they may not grasp everything or may forget easily,” she explains.
Her search for more effective teaching methods led her to a Superbook Academy training event. Before attending, she hoped the training would provide valuable resources for teaching children, including methods to help them understand, engage with, and enjoy the lessons. The training exceeded her expectations. “After attending the Superbook training, I found the curriculum very interesting. When they watch the animated Superbook episodes, they don’t feel bored, and they can understand the Bible stories much better,” she shares.
The Superbook Academy curriculum, with its captivating animations and engaging storytelling, proved to be the perfect tool for Miss Vajchanaporn’s Sunday school classes. The children were no longer bored or confused; instead, they were excited and eager to learn. “This inspired me to adopt the Superbook curriculum lessons, as they are exciting, easy to understand, and keep the children engaged, always eager to see what happens next. When children see the visuals, they can better understand and remember the Bible,” she notes.
For other teachers interested in using Superbook Academy curriculum in their Sunday school classrooms, Miss Vajchanaporn recommends “maintaining discipline in preparing for Sunday school. Sunday school teachers need to study the material in advance so they can fully understand it, communicate effectively with the children, and provide accurate information.”
The impact of Superbook on Miss Vajchanaporn’s students has been profound. The children now understand the Bible more thoroughly, enjoy learning, and stay engaged because of the visual appeal and excitement of the Superbook episodes. Miss Vajchanaporn’s story highlights how CBN Animation's Superbook can bring the Word of God to life for children around the world.
We invite you to join us in this mission. By donating to CBN Animation’s Superbook ministry through the link below, sharing this story, or accessing Superbook resources for your own families, you can help extend this ministry to even more children and families. Together, we can inspire more children to connect with God’s Word and experience His love in a profound way.
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