My dad is the greatest because he loves unconditionally. My sister and I grew up in a divorced home, but others would not have known. Our father took us every weekend, holiday, summer and phone calls constantly. Not only in childhood was he there for everything we participated in, or just everyday things, you could talk to him about everything and anything. As we grew older, he has never ceased to amaze us. There are four siblings now (my dad remarried when we were young), and he is constantly involved in each of our lives. My sister and I live in one state and my dad and mom, and two siblings live in another. Even though we are not together, he treats all of us equally. He has also met Jesus in the last 15 years, and, along with my mom, brought all of us into the Kingdom. He is just as the Bible says, "Me and my children shall serve the Lord." All of his grandchildren serve God also. He is a Pastor now and has a small church in Naples, Florida. He ministers unconditionally to anyone who needs Jesus. For his unselfishness, kindness, friendship, love and his relationship with Jesus, his Savior, I nominate my father for the CBN Father's Day contest.
Brenda, Allen Park, MI
My daddy has been more than I ever could ask for. Growing up, I thought he was strict, but I always respected his knowledge of God's word. I think that even though I made mistakes, I could have done so much worse, if it hadn't been for the fear of the Lord, that my daddy instilled into me and my brothers and sister. There were times when we were down to one working vehicle, that being a single cab pickup truck, and my parents piled five to six of us into that truck to drive the 30 plus miles to our church. We rarely missed a service, no matter the morning sibling fights, rain showers, or anything else that came our way! I remember thinking,"I wish they would just let us stay home for once!" But they were always faithful to exposing us to the potential movement of the Holy Spirit. They put a deep-rooted faith into us. There were times when most people would have given up, four children, very limited funds, and even church-people laughing as we filed out of the back of that truck. But because of my daddy's determination to raise his children for God, constantly, we have grown up with a love for the Lord, and a secure spot in Heaven. For all he did & gave, I love daddy most for that.
April, Elm City, NC

My dad is a special man. Quiet with the gift of helps. Throughout his life he has always helped others with the small things like fixing a TV, a drain, or rewiring a house with updated electric. At home he was always the grill chef. As adults we children still ask him to grill his famous honey barbecue chicken. My dad is moving slower these days but still has the same quiet spirit we have loved all these years. Happy Fathers Day Dad! We all love you.
Bobbi, Boynton Beach, FL
I love my dad so much and I feel, like most do, that I have the best dad in the world! My dad is so nice, I don't think there's a mean bone in his body. He's such a kind hearted person, always smiling and he would give you the shirt off his back. He's always taught me, my brother, and sister about God, and explained the scripture to us. He's a very Godly person, and has always been a wonderful influence on me. We go to church every Sunday. My dad gives service to the church all the time and inspires me to serve. I love to golf with my dad and play basketball with him. He's always been there to do things with us kids and I'm very greatful for that. He's always tried his best to teach us little things here and there, that we'll use in life. But the best gift dad has taught us, is about Jesus. I love my dad very much and wouldn't trade him for the world.
Brian, Forest City, IA

In today's world, so many children have a misconception of God because of the way their earthly father acts. I am so blessed to be an exception to this seemingly new norm. My father is a great example of how Christ loves us and accepts us. If it weren't for him, my own child would be in a sad state of affairs. My child struggled with suicidal thoughts, low self esteem, and even felt God hated him. When talking with my son, I was able to use my dad as the example of unconditional love and acceptance that Christ offers to us. Having an earthly example to relate to, my son was able to get a better grasp on the love of Christ because of the love of his Papa. My son no longer struggles like he did. “Papa” always listens, never raises his voice, and makes each child feel like they are the only one that matters. Thank you, Jesus, and thank you "Pops" for being a Christ like example of unconditional love to my children and me.
Lynette, Flint, MI
I have had the privilege of growing up with my dad, who is an active senior and a loving father of five children in which my mother is deceased.
Unlike most families with a father in the home, my father was working most of time and we had very few days of quality time shared. The real need of a father would become evident in my mid-forties. My life without him at this present time, would be very hard. Especially since there are so many martial and personal trials that I have encountered, guidance and fatherly love makes my world seem workable.
Fitzgerald, Norfolk, VA
My dad has been deceased for almost 15 years but I can still hear his voice. My father was a projector of his verbal and physical self. He gave me a sense of backbone that has caused me to continue in his footsteps. My father was proud of me as I was of him. He respected me and taught me to respect myself, women and all people regardless of age, color and so forth. Through the grace of God, I sense him in my presence and I talk to him regularly. As Father Day approaches, I miss him as I do my mom on Mothers Day. Perhaps, the best way to put it, is that if I didn't have faith in God and Jesus and realize the adoration between them, then I would not know that the love I have for my dad is the same as the love I have for my Heavenly Father.
Leslie, Winston-Salem, NC

Anthony Raissis - RIP July 10, 1999. June 2nd was my dad's birthday. Had he lived to see it, he would have turned 57. He was a tough man to live with. He was strong and bold and intensely opinionated. He and I didn't see eye to eye on almost anything. But under the rough exterior he was a huge softy. A man who cried at the end of Leave it to Beaver, because the family moments touched him so deeply. He was my dad. He wasn't perfect by any means, but he was the only father i had and I loved him. This note is a tribute to him, on his 57th birthday. When I was a little kid I was his sidekick. Wherever he was, I was never far behind - daddy's little girl to the core. We used to visit my grandma every single Sunday. On nice afternoons, we'd sit out in the back yard and sing old Johnny Cash songs together. He would show up at my track meets without even being told when they were. Every Christmas he would buy me a special present, just from him, and give it to me in secret. He'd always say "don't tell your brother". This was our bond. I miss you so much, Dad. You guide me every step of the way, and I know that I've made you proud.
Toni, Pompton Lakes, NJ
My father has always done the best for my sister and I with what little he had. We have always been poor, but the love we have is very real and more important than anything money could ever buy. My father took the time to take us fishing, camping, dancing and singing. It was always hands on not here's some money go out and buy you something. My mother and father divorced when I was 11, but even though he is four states away from me he calls anywhere from two to four times a week, sends money if I need it or just gives me his shoulder to cry on. He lifts me up in every way. I only feel true love from God and my father, and that being said, it makes me the riches person on this earth.
Kelly, Knox, IN
My dad has been a wonderful father from day one. He has worked extremely hard his entire life to provide the best he could for his family. Even though he has a hard time with showing his 4 kids his emotions of love, we have never once doubted that love. When my parents divorced, me & one of my sisters were old enough to take care of ourselves, but he raised my much younger brother & sister by himself. As for his godly influence, that has been unwavering his entire life. He grew up in a house where for most of his life only his mom was Christian. Through her godly influence she raised 5 children in the church & led her husband to Christ. Two of her sons are ordained Baptist ministers, one being my father. My father has been a minister for 25 years although because of his divorce from my mother years ago, he follows God's Word about a pastor not being divorced. He will fill in for pastor's but not pastor a church. I admire him for that. He could just pastor anyway but follows the Word of God as close as he is able & chooses not to take a church based on the Word. His godly life has made me the Christian that I am today & I am richly blessed to have a dad like him!!!
Erin, Clay City, IL
What a privilege to talk about my Dad! The most important relationship in my dad's life is his relationship with his Lord and Saviour,Jesus Christ. He WILL NOT start his day without spending 1-3 hours with Him. If he has to be somewhere let's say at 8:00am, then he will get up at 5:00am. When he visits my family, he knows that my husband gets up about 6:30,so he will really get up at 4:00. He lives the transformation that Christ has done for him in his heart. He is the most thankful person that I know for his salvation;and he is ALWAYS talking about his mansion in Heaven! He's also an on fire Gideon! Really! Watch out check out lady at Walmart,or his waitress,or ANYBODY that comes across his path! He gets so excited about giving out God's Word. What a living testimony to me, my husband and my children. He's also crazy funny!! Singing, "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" and" When the roll is called up yonder". My dad also schedules his visits with his friends and family around his ministry to a nursing home where he has led a service every Tuesday for the last nine years.He brings the residents a message from God's word, singing hymns, and brings treats of cookies! My dad is a ray of God's light on this world.
Margaret, Florence, SC
My dad is an inspiration to me. He has had many hardships and trials and always stayed faithful to God. I remember a time when he coached my little league baseball team and I made the game saving catch. He went crazy, ran up to me and picked me up. It made me feel so good and of worth. Now as an adult I call him up just to talk or to ask for advice, I have really developed a close relationship with him. One thing he always reminds me to do is to pray about everything. I often forget to look to God for my direction and answers. My dad is such an excellent example of a Godly man and his life example encourages me to do the same.
Brandon, Austin, TX
My Dad made it easy for me to trust God when I received Christ because of the way he treated me. My father had great mercy and compassion. He taught me about God, family, and country. My father survived Pearl Harbor and Korea. He made sure I was learning about God and that faith was a part of our upbringing. I was my earthly father's "little girl" which is why I know that I am my Heavenly Father's little girl and that He loves me so very much.
Cathe, Richmond, VA

I've always been a daddy's girl. When I was young, he taught me how to tie my shoes and helped me with my multiplication tables. When I was older, he helped me weather the emotional ups and downs of the pre-teen years. Soon his efforts helped draw me out of my shyness, and foster my growth into a woman of God actively involved in full-time ministry. Now he coaches me through everything from vehicle maintenance to ministry advice. He's made it a policy to ALWAYS answer calls from his kids, whether he's at work, really busy, or ready to chat for hours. I'm so thankful that I can always go to my earthly Daddy to point me to my heavenly Daddy.
Cora, Klamath Falls, OR

My Dad went from being a 30 something single guy, to a married man with three children, a five year old and two year old twins (all girls), when he fell in love with my mother. He moved us from N.Y. to Chicago to be closer to his family for some help. He even adopted us. He not only gave us his name, he gave us security, guidance & most of all love. Two brothers were born later and it was wonderful. God was the base for our journey as a family. I don't have one negative thing to say about my childhood. It was all about family for us! Car trips, church, scouting, sports, & get togethers with relatives. Simple pleasures of life. As long as all seven of us were together there wasn't anything better! We didn't have alot of money but that wasn't ever an issue.
One phone, one bathroom, one television. It made us spend time with each other & we loved it. While I am a female, I pray that I will be the kind of strong, responsible, loving parent that my Dad has been. Now that he is at an assisted living facility it is my turn to make sure he is safe & well. I know that it isn't genes that makes him my father. I will ALWAYS be proud of the man he is & the woman that he taught me to be. I love you FOREVER Daddy-O !!!
Carrie, Woodridge, IL
I think sometimes once we become grown we think our parents duties are complete. These past three years have been very hard on me, but my dad has continued to be here offering advice and encouragement. Not a day goes by that he doesn't tell me how much I am loved and that he is proud of me even though sometimes I don't believe there is something to be proud of. So, I want to say thank you dad for always being here. Also,his godly influence has been through the troubles I've experienced to continue to pray no matter what is going on and to truly get committed to attending church.
Janice, Chicago, IL
My Dad is a very special man. He is a family man who didn't have a real family himself. His mother was a single mother before that concept was popular. His dad was an alcoholic and left them when he was barely 12. He, as well as my mom practiced everything that they preached to me and my four younger siblings. They never drank alcohol or smoked. They have always been model Christians. My father has always impressed me with his love of children and his ability to interact with kids. My dad raised all of us to abhor racism even though he himself grew up in a very racial climate in Louisiana. He served over 20 years as an officer in the U.S. Army. He did a tour in Vietnam and in Korea. He is a true patriot and he loves Jesus. He has led us by example and I love him. He taught me to love God first, spouse second, then your children in that order. He is active still in his church community and of course his family.
Paula, Austin, TX

My daddy, Doug, is the best daddy ever. He is a stable man of God whose heart is first to serve. He serves God by serving people with his love, time, money, kindness and gives of himself. He is not one bit selfish and will jump whenever anyone needs help. I am proud to be his daughter and many people will thank him when he and they get to heaven. My daddy is so special that words cannot express. I love my daddy, he has the heart of David. He only had two daughters and one joined heaven at six years old in 1981. She had a great daddy for six years and I now for 37 years. I am truly blessed beyond words. Thank you for letting me express this about my wonderful daddy.
Tonya, Santa Rosa Beach, FL

My Dad is longer with us in this world but when he was alive he taught us so many things about Jesus and to never give up or lose hope in Jesus.
My father and mother divorced because he wanted to become a pastor and she told him that she did not want to be a pastors wife. When that happened he said he never wanted to have another woman in his life except for his daughters, We use to sit for hours on the phone and talk about the love of Jesus Christ and what he did for us, I can today sit back and remember all the things he has taught us and cry because to me He was the Best Dad in the World. When he passed away it was the hardest day of our lives, we no longer had him here to tell our problems too or the things that bothered us, He would cheer us up everytime he was the peacemaker. I watched a movie last year about a dad and the son was remembering how they use to play ball, and I sat there an cried because I remember doing those things as well with my dad when I was little. Boy I miss him today and sure wish he was here but God had other plans for him and I know how much he loved Jesus, He is in a better place where there is no more pain or sorrow. Amen. Can't wait till Jesus comes.Lisa, Gastonia, NC
It's hard to know where to start I have been blessed with great parents. One of the greatest things my Dad did for me was get me to church every Sunday. My mom was a nurse so some Sunday's she had to work. My Dad would make sure we were planted in that pew every Sunday, what greater gift could he have given me than that? My favorite story was when my Mom sent my Dad on a plane to Denver with his tool set to come fix my car. I really couldn't afford to take it in to get it fixed, but that wasn't the point, my Dad went to amazing lengths to care for my needs. I hope I am as good a father to my kids as he was to me, what a blessing from the Lord he is.
Steve, Martinsburg, WV
I am 26 years old and my father has made all the difference in where I'm going and where I've been. My father has been a true gift from God and the epitome of what a wonderful father and husband should be. My father has always worked two or three jobs to help support my mother and I without complaining about it. He takes his role as a husband/father very seriously. He has set an example to me of how a man should show me love and how a man should follow Christ. My dad studies the Bible constantly and prays constantly also. I have no bad memories of my dad. He helped make my childhood special. Even in my earliest memories he's there. And even now that I am adult he's still there for me. Always gentle, never over bearing. And he still gives me hugs and kisses when he sees me. He didn't come fromthe best home and he didn't have the best example of what a father and husband should be but he is very resilient and chose to be the best father he knew to be. I thank God everyday for him. Because of his choice to be there for me I know what true love looks like. I know what it feels like. And I will settle for nothingless in my own life.
Kandise, Pittsburgh, PA

Our Dad is the greatest because he brought all of us together. Our Mom worked out of town/state all the time. She was trying to take care of the four of us on her own. She met our step-dad Johnny and they fell in love and are getting married in july. Dad Johnny brought us into his home and made us feel like we had been his since birth. He doesn't look at us like step-kids, he looks at us like we are his. He also has 3 kids from being married. Two of them are adopted and one is biological. When we moved in, we hadnt really gone to church much, and didnt really know who Jesus is, mainly because our mom was working all the time. We all moved in together and started attending church, every sunday, started a children's choir for the church, have children's bible study at our home twice a week and we have family bible study everynight. He has taught us to respect God and to love Jesus with all of our hearts, just like he loves us. Know we all can quote scripture and we have learned to pray for the sick. We want to thank our Dad for being the best Dad, God could give to anyone. Thank you for reading our letter about our Awesome Dad.
Caitlyn, Chance, Max, Trey, Dayton, TX
I could always go to my dad when I got bumps and bruises and he would always make it all better. He always came through when I needed extra money for popscicles and McDonalds. He taught me how to throw Horseshoes and ride on a motorcycle and still remain a lady. If I was having a difficult time he always had good advice to lend. He has always been there for me and my siblings and don't know what I would have ever done without him. All my thanks go to my dad for the young lady that I have become today. This is why I am extending a "Happy Father's Day" to the world's best Dad.
Tonya, Charlotte, NC
My Dad was always special, but I just didn't realize it. I don't think you ever realize the role model a father plays until you're grown up and married & have children of your own. My Dad was always there for me. He didn't finish high school, but I learned he was so smart and knew so much about antiques and valuables. He became a 1st class welder by reading books and hands on experience. He was home every nite, and we always went crabbing on the weekends as a family. My Dad was strict, and I grew up with good morals. My Dad has passed away, but I'm always finding ways that my Dad has helped me even tho I didn't realize it until later in life. These little things I tried to pass on to our children and hopes they will carry it on to their children like the importance of a good education and good morals. Read every chance you get, especially the Bible (Book of knowledge). Most of all, cherish the memories of the past and present as there is no guarantee for the future and above all, remember God is there to pick you up if you should fall. I can't count the number of times he's lifted me up.
Jo, Madeira Beach, FL
From the time he was 12 he was blind. He finished H.S. @ the MS School for the Blind and went on to earn a master's degree from MSU. He and my mom went on to have 6 natural children and became foster parents, evenually adopting a boy who became a marine. I have seen my father wrestle with his emotions and his faith, but never once heard him complain about being totally blind and completely dependent on the kindness of others, especially my mother. 12/22/12 will be their 50th anniversary. They gave us the testimony of stalwart faith in God, complete submission to His will, obedience to His call and true marriage commitment. We had very little growing up. Migraines forced him out of the workplace, onto welfare and into retirement, but again, never once heard him complain. His disability gave him a unique outlook on life and mercy for people. Though times were always tough, he never failed to model the patience and faithfulness of a loving father. We never went hungry and our parents never turned their backs on us for a second. They taught us to pray for each other, not compete. Greatest quality besides Faith? Believe it or not, his sense of humor!
Eleanor, Salem, VA
My father is the best father that I am so thankful that God Blessed me with. My father primarily raised me and he did a wonderful job. He taught me about GOD and about being saved. Always made sure that I went to church. Even now when I live many miles away he lives in Ohio. I can still call him and he gives me godly guidance. I remember growing up one year and all I ate were hot dogs. I hated hot dogs when I got older. I never understood why that is what I ate. I did not realize that my father went without many nights when I got the hot dogs he had nothing. I sure do like hot dogs now. I also know my father goes out of his way to help anyone. Times are tough for him now. He had only a few dollars left one week. A lady called him mistaking him for my brother they have the same name. She had no food or clothes. He took his last $20 and bought her a shirt and food. Did not even know her. He did not tell me this story someone else did. He does lots for stangers he does not even know. He does alot for his family. He is a wonderul man that has great faith in GOD. He loves his children and grandchildren deeply. That is why I think he is the greatest.
Rachelle, Lillington, NC
As a 4 yr old girl I gave my heart to Jesus at a vacation Bible school and around that same time my parents turned their hearts to the Lord. My dad felt the Lord's call into ministry and after serving in our local church for several years, we sold our yuppy-ville home in Conneticut and Dad went to Bible School for training. I watched as he stepped out in faith, valuing God's will more than the comforts of a pretty house in the perfect neighborhood. After 4 months the Bible School closed due to lack of funding. Dad hit the floor in prayer to the Lord knowing he had brought his family away from all they had known to go to school. Thru a series of events, God brought our family to a small country church in NH where Dad pastored for 17 years. There were many days of sacrifice and trusting the Lord to supply all our needs. But God always did! Dad displayed everyday that when you step out in the will of the Lord, God always provides the resources and grace. Dad and Mom were the same at home as they were in front of the church, loving, humorous, and leading with strength.
Jennifer, Woodsville, NH
My dad is a fantastic man! He worked around the clock to support his family. He had so many obstacles in life but he always made it through. With all the health problems my siblings were faced with my dad sat at the hospital by our side most of the day. He gave the children so much. I had a brother who was in a car accident and the MD said he needed to be placed in a home. My dad brought him home and helped him in all ways even to walk again. Today he is remarkable. Two sister with heart surgery and one with breast cancer. My dad derserves an award for holding up with such a positive attitude through it all. My dad is the super star and the greatest dad ever. He is the backbone of my family. His caring and positive attitude and how he took care of his family goes for him far and beyond recognition. My dad will always be my hero.
MarySue, Johnston, RI
My mom died when I was 7 years old and my dad kept me in his care. He is a man of God who has been a great example in my life. He is currently raising his 4 great grandchildren and helping with the care of a great great grandchild. The intereseting thing is that my dad has always shown us to have faith in God and has serve as an example. The sad thing is that My dad had five children and one step child. All but one of the five is alive. My siblings passed away. While I know the lost of his children was difficult he has continued to show his love unto his great grandchildren. I am summarizing alot but he is awesome.
Brenda, New York, NY
My dad came to the US to work in construction because in Mexico we were broke and it was very difficult to find employment. My father raised five children, encouraged us to go to college and has always supported us in everything we do. I remember from a very young age seeing my dad come home covered with dirt from head to toe. When I kissed him he would taste of salt. His shirts were drenched in sweat and he would come home with injuries all the time. My father would never complain but always told us he wanted better for us. My father would accept the riskiest tasks and would put up with racist remarks from his bosses just to put food on our table. He never complained. It is not until now that we know exactly all that he went through while we were busy studying. My father help put us all five through college. He is so nice and respectful and so dedicated to his grandchildren. He says he loves the time he can spend with them now that he has the time to. My father is able to show me the ways God loves us with his fatherly love. I thank the Lord for my precious father and I will never forget all the struggles and sacrifices he went through to offer us a better life.
Rita, San Diego, CA
My Dad has been a very positive role model in my life and the life of my siblings. He has been in Gods ministry for over 50 years and as we were growing up he would take us with him to some of the trips he would make to the remote parts of India. He was well versed in 3 languages and taught himself to read and write a fourth one (Telugu) to be able to communicate with the persons that god brought to him to be ministered. Growing up we learned to put others before us in everything. He set an example by giving to others from the scant we had. This has helped us to be empathic to the needs of others and to learn the importance of ministering to others.
Rachel, Mesquite, TX
My dad is the greatest ever because to him it's all about family. He is a very hard worker,a Godly man that always puts others first and has such a great sense of humour. I'm 32 years old and if I can just be half the man he is, give back half of what he does and love uncondtionally as he does then I'll be a "Great" person. My dad is one of a kind, he'll never argue, give a harsh or negative word; he always reminds you, you never know what you might do in their shoes. I love him and I tell him I do every time we talk. I'm proud to call him "DAD". He lives his life as an example, role model, or mentor of a Christian. That is what is the most special about him, you know he's a pecuilar person as the Bible speaks of. He spreads the gospel on his job or wherever he goes and never hesitates to ask if your saved. We need more men like him. I praise God he blessed me with a Heavenly LIke Father on Earth.
Ben, Milford, OH
My Dad was always protecting the USA in the Airforce in radar. He was in 4 war zones, one being Vietnam. He would take us to church and we'd sit in the pew beside him and my Mom. I remember him going fishing for trout for dinner and he asked me to gut the fish. My Dad used to help me with my Algerbra homework because he was good at math. He was always encouraging me to do my best. He always said, "You're either part of the problem or part of the solution."
Denise, Pawtucket, RI
1984 was a difficult year for my family. We were transferred to El Paso by the company to head the computer operations and support division in 1980. The company was going broke and I managed to get some additional jobs with other companies. As my prospects dried up, my options were quickly dissolving. My wife could see my pain and knew how my pride would keep me from contacting my dad. One day dad called said he would come out for a visit. Dad did what he could, bought our home and made it possible to get out of town by the next summer. I would have been totally destroyed had it not been for his understanding. Just as our Father in heaven has our best interest at heart, my father on earth was there when I needed him.
Michael, Arlington, TX

My father has always been a provider for his family. Growing up he did not attend church, however he made sure his children attended Sunday school and church. My father dropped us off for Sunday school and my mother would join us for service In 1994, my father rededicated his life to Christ and shortly after that suffered a heart attack. Truly, it is his faith in God that has given him the strength to endure the passing of his wife (47 years) in 2007 and shortly after; his kidneys failed. He must endure dialysis treatment three times a week. This has not stopped him from supporting his grandchildren in their activities My father does not miss a soccer game, a piano recital, an awards or events for my children. My father BBQ for all family events. He has days where he lacks energy to press on... but after a days rest he is back -it’s all because of his love & dedication to his family and his strong convictions in God. Through this experience, my father has demonstrated how to trust God through the storms of life. He does not waste time complaining but thanking God for 75 years.
Ola, Austin, TX
At the age of 22, my Dad lost his Loving Father to suicide.From that point, his life was a downward sprial.He spent many years looking for something to believe in, from cults to drugs, nothing satisfied his spirit. At one point he found himself sitting on the end of his bed with a gun in his hand, but with a desire to live. Shortly after that the Lord sent a local pastor, and 2 church elders to our home. They presented my Dad with a Bible. He began reading Gods word and found Jesus. My 4 siblings and I watched an astounding transformation in his heart take place. He told us he had spent the first 33 years of his life doing what he wanted,now he was going to let go, and let God do things his way. Our family has been forever changed by that day. From his advise in our discouraging times,that leads us to Gods word. To the uplifting joy he expresses in our lifes accomplishments. We have the most loving, understanding, and God loving Dad that everyone should have. He is now 62 still living his life for the Lord,and encouraging all of us to do the same. Being a witness to his story has demonstrated to me that nothing is impossible when you put your trust in God. And I thank God for my Dad Everyday!
Cindy, Colfax, IN
My Father has been such a blessing to me because he has had to endure the loss of my brother to brain cancer, my older brother going through prostate cancer and then going through my accident and illness with me!! He bought a house for me to live in because I am too ill to work. Whenever I almost died he was at a loss of what to do, yet prayed for my recovery daily. He is 82 years old and has endured many difficulties and losses in his life time, yet always depends upon the Lord to carry him through the pain. I love him dearly and BLESSED to have a Father that knows he cannot live his life without complete dependence upon the Lord. I tell him all the time that he reminds me of Pat Robertson. I know that is why I take a lot of stock in what Pat says about God, politics and our world we live in. I am truly a Blessed daughter!!!!
Traci, Enid, OK
My Dad is great. He has been an amazing influence and strong point in my life. He is in the millitary and has been deployed or gone for more than half of each of the past four years. On one of his deployments there was an incident where a man was injured. My dad was the leader of that group and he not only got all of his men back safely, but also every last piece of equipment they had brought with them. He has missed 4 Father's days in a row but never fails to make up for them. He goes to every one of my sisters' softball games, he supports us in all we do, and is always expressing to us his never-ending love. My Dad is a great man of God and is always encouraging us in the ways of the Lord. He is always ready to give us Godly counsel in anything and everything we do. My sisters and I all know we can always go to him for advice.
Maressa, San Diego, CA
The inheritance from my father is one of faith.
We have recently been learning together about our ancestry and the more I learn, the more I appreciate that my father, his father, his father's father and on up, come from a long line of Christian influence.
The quintessential quality that he showed me is how to be a great father to my children and to guide them as he guided me in having a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
What greater love can a father show than the love of our heavenly Father. I love you Dad. Happy Fathers Day!Scott, Charlotte, NC
My father deserves this award for many reasons. He has raised both my sister & I in church since day one. He has always been there to provide, help & even discipline us when needed. I am currently 28 years old with 3 kids of my own. I am divorced since my ex-wife walked out on us. My father has been there to help me & my children emotionally, spiritually & financially. We go to church weekly together still to this day and he holds bible study for our family at his house every Friday. Everyone he meets has great respect for him. He has been a great influence on both my sis & I along with his grandchildren. He is a awesome father, grandfather & a great leader. I was truly blessed to have such a kind,loving and spiritual father! I am thankful he has instilled in me the word of our Lord and the morals that society seems to have forgotten about! He has taught me that God comes first, family second and everything else 3rd no exceptions! The best teacher once could meet because he walks what he preaches! He is a great Godly Man, one whom I am very proud to call Dad!
Daniel, Fort Atkinson, WI
My Dad is standing at the barn door looking out over the hay fields and the pastures where his dairy cows are grazing after the evening milking and if you walk close to the barn, you can hear him having a personal conversation with the Lord. This is the memory that I always fall back on when I am blue or discouraged. My wonderful father was not a well educated book man, but he was an on fire man for the Lord. Everything he did for his family and others was because me wanted to let Christ shine in his life. He lost both of his parents by the time he was 15 and yet he learned to serve God and put him first. Sundays we went to churh, no questions asked and on Wednesday nights as well and it was just known that we would do that. His first concern was always for us before himsef and he always gave to us first. I owe my christian faith to my father and from him and his teaching by actions, I have a brother in the ministry and now a son in the ministry and two other sons in lay ministry. All because my dad lived his faith. He has gone on to be with the Lord, but his faith lives on in his children and grandchildren. He deserves to be honored even though he is gone. He was the best!
Lynda, Nampa, ID

Where do I begin? My dad has influenced my life in a way that literally brings tears to my eyes. He not only lives his faith in a way that people have no doubt he loves Jesus, but he also shares his faith daily with others in a way that has given many a hope in Christ. Our family owns a drag race track in the Colorado foothills that was started 51 years ago by my grandfather. This venue has provided a most unusual mission field for all of us. Praying before races, visiting hurting families, starting a men's Bible study for those interested in knowing more about heavenly things, and showing love to those that are sometimes "unlovely" in the spirit of competition, sets my dad apart from most race track operators/owners. Recently, I went through a very painful divorce and he (and my amazing mom) allowed me to hurt while on the road to healing. I remembered what I was taught long ago and that is that God is enough and leaning on Him is not an option, it's a requirement. Through it all, I have emerged as a strong, confident person and I know that there is nothing that can't be overcome by a strong family with a faith that has been passed down by a great dad.
Tami, Littleton, CO

My father has been an inspiration to all his family, neighbors and friends. He is indeed a godly husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather, and has lived a simple life of following the Lord for over 80 years, just celebrating his 80th Birthday last November and his 60th Wedding Anniversary in 2009 to my mother, his only wife. He is generous, kind, wise, and well respected by all. He never hesitates to try to help financially if his children are in need and he is able. He prays and lives the Word of God daily and has tried to live out his life as a peaceful and honest servant of the Lord. He always honored his parents when they were alive, and has shown charitable love to his only sister's family and to my mother's family as well, providing comfort, support and setting a good example. My father is definitely an exemplary and humble servant of the Lord and has lived a life of devotion to his family and friends.
Jeanie, Frisco, TX

My dad is my hero. Not only was my dad the perfect example of what a father should be but a WW2 veteran and a respectable man who loved God. He lived through the war because of 91st Psalm. Dad was quiet but when he spoke he had something worthy of listening too. He worked hard all his life and reminded all of us to 'judge not lest ye be judged'. He died this year but I know that he just celebrated his 88th birthday with Jesus. My Dad is the greatest because not once in my life did I ever lose respect for him. He took care of his family. My mom and dad were married 53 years to each other and no one else. Outside of heaven, home is anywhere that my mom and dad were. I LOVE YOU DAD.
Karen, Buckhannon, WV
Dad has been a godly influence in my life because I see his devotion to God both behind the scenes and in the scenes of his ministry. Dad has taught me the importance of spending time with God through reading the Bible and prayer. He lives the Christian life and admits when he fails - he is a true spiritual leader of the family and has lived up to his role as a dad in my eyes the best I can even imagine. He never gives up when it comes to ministering to others. He has showed me how to have compassion and forgiveness for those who do not know the Lord and to pray for them. He has taught me the importance of tithing when I first made $10/week as a child. My dad lead me to the Lord when I was a child and I will never forget that day. He has taught me the imporatnce of having a relationship with God and that no other comes before Him. He is exta special because he was and still is always there when I need him and he has always been supportive. He has such a sweet, humble spirit about himself that I will never forget and I will never forget his constant smile. Now I see him with our kids and they all adore him. I am so proud to have him as my kids grampa and to call him my dad.
Andrea, Eagle Rock, VA
My dad beat the odds in life of having accomplished more than most with only an eighth grade education. He built the house that I lived in for 22 years of my life. He also taught me how to live without many things by living a simpler life. I had five other brothers and sisters, of which I was the oldest. I developed a strong work ethic because of the strong values I was taught when growing up. My father had very strong religious practices which set up my values in life so I could survive and become independent on my own. I ended up graduating from High School at the top of my class and eventually becoming a registered Nurse and then an Air Force Nurse. later I married and had three childrenwho are all grown up. Now I am planning to return to nursing. My dad taught me never to give up my dreams. I feel that my successes in life were because of my father.
Rita, Tucson, AZ

My father is now 88 years old and living his first year in 60 without my mother, his beloved, at his side. She passed away one year ago in May. He always treated women - and all people - with respect, no matter their situation or position elsewhere. He is a true gentleman....and a gentle man. He told us to be honest, to uphold the standards we claim to have, and that things might well be legal but they are not always right. Do the right thing.....He was a decorated WWII hero, receiving the distinguished flying cross flying off carriers and flying seaplanes in the Pacific theater. He earned other medals for his service as a naval aviator. He spent time at Hampton Roads. He makes no boast of the duties demanded in times of war but returned to be a man of letters and a man of conscience. I love my dad. As he spent each day at my mother's bedside before her passing he asked her, "Have I told you how beautiful you are today?" and told her daily that she enriched his life beyond words. He is my hero.
Carol, Marrietta, GA

My dad is the greatest because he cared enough to leave his comfort zone to provide the very best for his children. He did not accept Christ until he was fifty years old, but he knew the value of a Christian upbringing. He made sure that I, and my siblings, were in church every time the doors were open, and he went with us almost every Sunday. He borrowed money and worked extra hours so that I could attend church camp when times were tough for our family. He taught me by his actions that it was important to be a woman of integrity and character.
Watching him grow in the Lord and become a leader in my home church has been one of the greatest joys in my life! Daddy has become a strong man of God who loves others and truly attempts to follow the teachings of Jesus in everything he does. He gave us a loving and safe childhood filled with wonderful memories and godly teaching.
I have a speaking and singing ministry now, and my dad loves to sit in the congregation and beam at me. It is one of my greatest joys to minister to him as well as others. He has a part in everything I do for the Lord! I thank God for my dad; he's the best!
Karen, Colbert, GA

My dad is extra special because he has given his life in service to others for all of my life. His father was in the military and died in service when he was four and his brother was two. He was raised alone by his mother. He decided at a young age to follow his father's footsteps and enter military service. He had always wanted to be a business person and even received a degree in business but saw a need in working with other young men, many of whom were growing up without the leadership of their own fathers. So, he became a teacher and male youth mentor. With all the work to males he ultimately became the father to two daughters. We watched our father teach Sunday School and participated in daily family worship, prayer and Bible study. He was truly the spiritual leader in our family. Now, my dad is 80 years old this year. He is now a father (in law) to two sons who love him dearly. He mentors them and they go to him with their spiritual concerns. They can trust him to be steady as a rock and always give sound Biblical responses. He has three grandsons and is a very happy man. He is the hero in my life. I wrote a novel recently celebrating military families and the sacrifices made.
Valerie, Clemmons, NC
My Daddy (I tried to call him DAD once & he would not let me) so daddy it was. He saw me at three days old and said I can't let her go to anyone else, I want her so thus my adoption. I really cannot find enough words to tell you what that means to me today. He raised me in church all of my life, taught me that serving God was the only life to ever live, and live it he did. What better way to learn that lesson than to see it walked out everyday of my life. He provided me with piano lessons, a swing set and a bike still to this day my very favorite things! Daddy was a good man, hard working, loving and fun. He was a deacon in our church. Before he passed away, Daddy had Alzheimer's, probably one of my sweetest memories of him is one day I was at the nursing home, he didn't know anyone at this time, but when I sat down to play the piano, he said "That's my baby girl"!
Viki, Oklahoma City, OK
My Dad is the best because, even though he is not my real Father he has been a terrific Dad to me.
Most of all he has been married to my Mother as long as my real Father was. He loves my dear Mother and for 11 years during her onset of Alzheimer's, he was her fulltime caregiver. She is in a care facility as of this year. He, gave up his life for many years to care for her in "every way". To me that makes him a great Dad......
He is my best friend, he comes to see Mother faithfully every two weeks and misses her dearly.
I love him and I am grateful for him in my and my Mothers life.
I love him, he is my Dad, I am proud to tell everyone.
Vicki, San Jose, CA

My dad taught me scripture and Biblical principals from the time I was born. I grew up not only knowing about God’s love for His world but seeing it in the life of my father.
When I close my eyes and see my dad I see him at the kitchen table reading his Bible. He knows more facts about the Bible than a professor and he lives them out.
One story of FAITH that sticks out in my mind is when I was young and needed to have exploratory surgery. I was scared, my dad came to me and prayed for me and then he said, “Dalese, God is in control and we have to trust Him.” I believe this experience started me on a path of FAITH LIVING!
We took his three grandsons to serve as IMB missionaries in Ukraine. I watched my dad tell us good-bye at the airport with tears in his eyes. He has never asked us to return from the field to take care of him or to be there for him. He prays for us daily and has adopted several other missionaries who no longer have a father living or who do not have a Christian father to pray for them and support them.
Many missionaries call him "PaPa!" I don't mind sharing him...he is BIG enough to SHARE!
He is the GREATEST!Dalese, Fort Worth, TX

My dad is extra special because he gave up so much to take care of me and my six siblings. I can not imagine life without him. There were times he had to work three jobs to support us all, you would think that he would spend his weekends catching up on sleep. He didn't, he used that time making sure his kids got to experience the beach, the parks and of course church.
His godly influence has stuck with me to this day. It wasn't the private christian schools he sent me to, or dragging me to church every sunday, or making me join AWANA, it was the simple things that meant so much. I remember sitting with him on the back porch asking him a million questions about God and him taking the time and having the patience to answer every one of them the best he could. He would wipe my tears with his hands and encourage me with scripture. I love my dad.
He gave so much and never asked for anything in return, he deserves a little recognition.
Gretta, Dallas, OR

My dad is the greatest, most inspiratial, thoughtful man i know. Not only is he a thoughtful person, but he always tells me inspirational advice. Ever since I was little I have had constant worries. Then, I went to my dad one day for advice, and he told me one quote that I have remembered every since. He told me "don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take of itself". That quote has clung to me like glue, and it has helped me get over my anxiety. My dad is always performing great deeds like that. He has helped me overcome some of my greatest fears and answered some of my most important questions. I just recently asked him, "how do i know that God is listening to me when I pray?". He responded in spiritual words, basically telling me that I have to have faith and believe. These acts are some of the many that my dad has performed for not only me and my family, but others all around him. Not only is my dad a great dad, but he is a loving and loyal husband to my mom. Not every dad is close and inspirational like my dad, and I am so lucky for him to be like that!My dad is extra special due to his inspirational words, and overall just being a great and loving dad.
Sarah, Peabody, MA
My dad is a retired pastor and I just love him. He never gave up on me no matter what I did. He became a pastor when I was a teenager, and I was one rebellious teenager. The worst.
While I battled stage3b cancer, he was there every step of the way, traveling to be by my side for each and every surgery. Always telling me to keep my faith. It was that faith that he helped to grow that helped me win my battle. He was the last face I would see, the last hand I would hold before my surgeries. And always that special prayer that I needed so much. I recently had another surgery, but he could not make the trip, but still was there when I called from the waiting room to pray with me. When he answered the phone, he knew it was me, and said, honey I already prayed, but knew I needed him to pray with me before I went in. I thank God for him daily. For showing me how to have faith and believe in God, no matter what I am facing.
Helena, Parma, OH
My dad is extra special because he has truly been a gift from the Lord.He is a caring, loving, and generous man. He has instilled in my siblings and me a love for God and the importance of applying Biblical principal to our everyday lives. Dad is a leader in our church and, since I can remember, has taken an active part in ministering to youth, participating in our community and reaching out to strangers. My earthly father has been, and continues to be, a strong, godly influence in my life by showing his love for our heavenly Father in his daily living. It's an amazing thing to see a motorcycle-riding "manly-man" enjoying the presence of God and showing his love for God in praise and worhip, without worrying about what the world around him thinks. The Lord has blessed me with my Dad. He picked out the perfect one for me.
Nikki, Greenville, AL

My dad is my Hero. My dad has a kind heart and patience to no end. He has been my teacher, my friend, and my counselor. He owns his own Air Conditioner/Heating Business. He has a hard time making money in his buisness because he doesn't charge the elderly and struggling for service calls. He doesn't see the justice for charging them for a 20 minute call even if he had to drive 30 minutes to get there. He has overcome an alcohol problem through seeking God. He has acted as a father figure to my daughter and to his stepchildren. He has shown me that we are not perfect beings but through God we are all worthy of happy content lives. I am the loving, caring person today because of my dad's demonstration of love, hard work and faith. This picture is of my dad (wearing his father's day fishing hat), myself, my sister next to him on the other side, his step kids and my daughter.
Christy, Colorado Springs, CO

My dad has always been there for me even though we don't always share the same opinion. He has supported me through my time served in the army. He has supported me through my divorce. He has survived prostate cancer, and he was stronger than I was. He has been strong for our family even during the loss of my three brothers. One of the toughest times to get through. I haven't always been the best son, but he still stands by my side. He has been a good role model to me and my children, as a Sunday School teacher, deacon, and fire chief, and I know he always will be. When my grandfather died he told me he wish he could be half the father he was. He has done more than that.
David, Queensbury, NY

It is not until your dad is dead and gone that you realize how extrodinary Daddy being Daddy was. You grieve the challenges of his childhood, are proud of his war record in the Marines, stand amazed at the number of challenges thrown at him and remember how he faced and overcame them. Daddy was a real guy in a real world and I wish I had known him better. Was he perfect? No, he was not but that is okay, I love him anyway. I loved that my earth-shaking teen questions were no big deal. I love the way he would pull-your-leg, sing a song, play on the floor with you and do one-arm-pushups with me sitting on his shoulders. Since he has been gone, I miss our interaction. I miss his strength and his goodbess, his integrity and his honesty. I miss how brilliant he was. I miss hearing his voice on the answering machine. Daddy was not perfect but neither am I, and if Daddy were here now I would tell him how much I admired him and I miss him. Daddy did his best at being Daddy and I would not change a thing.
Sherry, College Station, TX
Although I could go on about my dad forever, 200 words are plenty to tell about how great my dad is. When I was one year old, my dad had a heart attack and ended up having bypass surgery. I know that God had his watchful hand over my dad the whole time, and I cannot imagine my life without him. My dad comes to my sporting events no matter the distance, to my art shows even if I don’t get any awards, and I know he would do anything for me to succeed. However, the best thing my dad has ever done for me, is encourage me in my spiritual walk. My parents have taken me to church every Sunday since I can remember, and every week I watch as my dad gives of himself to our church. He leads the worship service in singing, helps my mom during her Sunday school class, and has been a deacon at our church for over 14 years. My dad is the person I go to if I am curious about God. The LORD has blessed me with such a self-less man as my father and I am so thankful for him.
Kaitlin, Warsaw, IN
I'm not sure where to begin. I'm not a good writer its hard for me to put into words how much this man has meant to me. I will start off with my dad has been a policeman for over 34 years. He has always went with out to make sure us three kids and mom had what we needed. I remember him having only one pair of jeans at a time or one pair of boots. I'm 37 years old I have been through a few very abusive relationships and he always took me in giving up all his plans and funds he had saved. To help me. I love my daddy. He is so much like my heavenly father. He is a giver and he has taught me to give. I'm so blessed to have a dad like him.
Tammy, Lytle, TX
I am one of ten children and my father is devoted born again christian who every night prays for each and everyone of his children and grandchildren by there name. He has 45 grandchildren 11 great grandchildren to pray for so his prayers can get pretty long. He truly is a rock in our family he stands on the word of god and spreads the good word with everyone he meets. He sets a great example that everyone should follow. Dad has been a true provider for us all and is the most generous person I know. Last Christmas dad asked us kids not to get him or mom anything for christmas but give to a needy family instead.
My dad is always asking people "do you know where you are going when you die?" When people answer I hope so he will get a great big smile and say Hey I Know where I am going when I die, to heaven to see my heavenly Father Jesus Christ. Then he will explain to them how he knows, and will tell them they can know too if they except Jesus in there hearts.
My dad is the greatest man I know and I hope I do as good as a job at raising my seven children as he did with me and my brothers and sisters.
Scott, Fort Recovery, OH

My dad, at the age of 78, is about to undergo open-heart surgery. The thought of handing my godly father over to a surgeon for a few hours who will stop his heart for an hour so he can repair it is mind-numbing. The thought of the possibility of saying goodbye to my father is even more earth-shattering.
My dad, like so many others, worked a large part of my childhood. I would see him when he arrived home at the end of the day beat tired kicking our toys out of his path. As I grew, I saw my dad's heart. Yes, the heart that will be repaired soon in surgery.
His true heart needs no repair. This man has been an elder at his church for years. He always stood up for me when necessary. He took me out to eat once to tell me how much more I was worth than how the boy I was dating was treating me. I went home that day and broke up with that boy. I am now happily married to a godly man. Thanks to my dad. I can't imagine my life with the other. My dad says very little, so when he speaks I know to listen.
His heart needs physical repair. And, he will soon undergo open-heart surgery for this. But, his heart is spiritually the biggest heart that could ever hold me, his daughter.
Tere, O'Fallon, MO
My Dad is the greatest because even though he lost three sons he still had room in his heart for me. He loved me so much that he went around the world to find me and make me his son (my sister and I were adopted in 2002 from Kazakhstan). He likes to do fun stuff like games, waterparks, camping and teaches us about God. He's smart too, and helps me with my homework and teaches me about life. He is happy all the time and he makes me so happy I can't stand it. I thank God every night for my Dad. He's the best Dad in the whole world.
Benjamin, Ann Arbor, MI
Dad did not grow up with a godly male role model, so he prayed that God would help HIM be a godly father to me and my sister. He led family devotions every Saturday morning - often reading from the Old Testament and then explaining that God was greater, smarter, and stronger than ANY enemy a person could face. Then he prayed for each of our extended family members by name at the end of our Saturday morning prayer times. Dad showed great love and respect to our mom, and made certain that we knew he loved US just because we were his. He daily arose at 4:30 AM to prepare his sermons for the tiny congregations he pastored; then he worked 10-12 hour days in his secular jobs. He made numerous trips to visit the sick in snowstorms, duststorms, and thunderstorms. Every night he stood at our bedsides and prayed aloud over us. My sister and I came to see ourselves as loved, protected, and valued because our daddy asked God to "watch over my girls." Some of my favorite memories are of the times I awoke late in the night, hearing my daddy pray for me after he returned home from a long meeting, a far-away church service, or an extended hospital visit. My 78-year-old dad is my hero.
Rosanne, Severn, MD
My dad is a veteran of WW2. He proudly served his country for over 21 years. After retirement, he became a mailman. The people on his route called him the singing mailman, as he sang Christian songs at the top of his voice on his route.
After retiring from the USP, he choose to mow lawns for "older" people.He mowed the church yard and the pastor's yard up until last year. My mom suggested he stop as he is 93 years old. He kept the money he needed to keep his tools in shape and gave the rest away to many worhty causes, i.e, sending kids to church camp,childrens causes, and many other places and people. During most of this time, he was a lay leader at the church. He has been leading the singing at the first service for over 20 years, and still goes to the services every week even though he hardly hears any of the pracher's words.
He is a great role model to me, my sister, my brother, five grand children, and nine great grandchildren. He is truly a godly man.
I am proud to be his daughter.
Suellen, Killeen, TX
My Dad is the greatest because in a particular season of life for which he was purposed, He fulfilled his destiny by being there for me and my children. I was going through a rough time in my marriage and in my life and no one understood that but my Dad. He was there; yet, He was silent. He did not judge; he never looked at me disapprovingly. Bearing great shame and humiliation, when I looked in my Dad's eyes, I only saw LOVE. Although I wanted to take my life, I kept hearing him say, "Don't worry about it, Libby, you'll make it". It wasn't so much the words, it was his tone, his mannerism and the look of compassion in his eyes. He was born just for me. His Godly influence in my life was magnificently shown in that season. I was able to go on and come out on the other side. I miss my Dad; He is no longer with me. Yet, I wanted to honor Him, and the great love that he bestowed upon me in a time of great need. I truly love you Dad, still (He passed on January 25, 2009 and His name was Gene).
B. Olivia, Lindenwold, NJ
My Dad's love, patience, and kindness towards me, and strong love and respect for God has caused me to have a strong relationship with God. A child's relationship with his/her father will cause the child to trust or not trust God. It is easy for me to trust God because of the strong example of my Dad. He is such a merciful and forgiving man. He has been considered a weak man because of his strong gift of mercy. He is a Pastor. He is minstering to people that are mentally challenged. In fact his church is comprised of such people. People that I know most ministers will not give the time of day. He picks up people for church, it does not matter to him if he picks up one person from a long distance and bring them to his local church. He has worked with the Prison ministry and Nursing home ministry for over 30 years Even as he takes care of his wife who has suffered a stroke for many years. He will suffer in order to help the needy. He loves God, and is a man that is full of wisdom. Many people have wonderful fathers, but I think that my dad should be honored because for years he as put others before his needs. He is over 70 years old and is still unselfishly serving others.
Leola, Baton Rouge, LA
My dad adopted me when I was in the 3rd grade. If it was not for him , I would not have known about Jesus and how he died for my sin and that salvation is for all who call on His name. My dad is the one that has been there for me through thick and thin. He is the one that helped me to blossom into the woman I am today. Because of him he gave me encouragement to reach for my goal to become a nurse. The verse he helped me to remember is that I can do all things through Christ that stregthens me. I am so thankful that God sent him to be my dad, how lost I would have been if not for him. Any one can be a father ,but there is only someone special I call "Dad".
Rhonda, Houston, MI
My Father is is one word irreplaceable! He isn't rich in the since of the worldly way, but his heart should be rewarded because it is bigger than anyone's I know I come from a family of three. In the late 80's we lost my brother Steve. To this day my Mom hasn't been the same, the rest of us also. Since then my dad has been the rock of faith and never gave up on God. My mom his wife has had Rheumitiod Arthritis since her early 30's in age and since then she has had too many heartaches and illnesses that I believe any one person should endure. Through out my Dad has always been there for all of us. We almost lost my mom in the past year. She endured 5 strokes, RA and now Osteo a colostomy bag surgery and a redo just recently, a hip replacement and a knee surgery. All in which it has taken a toll on my father. He is over 70 and is still working to make ends meat. My brother Jeff thank God lives close to my parents. I went through a divorce after 25 years of marriage and I have 4 kid three which are triplets. My dad prayed all of us through all of it!!! He has demonstrated a godly faith and strength that is like Job. I am Proud he is my dad. And thankful.
Brenda, Pleasanton, CA
I grew up as a militray dependent, a. k. a. an "Army Brat". That meant that every couple of years we were moving. So, there were new schools, new friends and a lot of saying goodbye. Through it all, and all over the world, my dad was the anchor of our family. Just as our heavenly father is our spiritual anchor, who loves us unconditionally, so it was with my dad.
I played sports as a kid, and my dad was often my coach. One year, while playing little league baseball in Aberdeen, Md., my dad was our coach. As our team was sponsored by McDonalds, when we won we were given a free hamburger, fries and a drink. When we lost, my dad bought us all big macs, large fries and large drinks. That seemed to take some of the sting out of losing.
When we would gather with friends for barbecues, other parents made their kids eat hotdogs or burgers while the parents ate steaks and ribs. Not my dad. He'd give you the food off of his plate to make sure we got what we wanted.
My dad was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. But, as always, he still puts the family's needs above his own. I love my dad with all my heart! I may be the cop in the family, but he's the real hero!
Ed, Summerville, SC
My dad - is a wonderful example of what a MAN should be. Dad was always there for us, but what really struck me was the way he cared for mom. They married in June of 1960, and eventually had myself and my brother, we eventually (Sept. of 1969)moved to a GREAT old farmhouse in the woods with no one else in site, then maybe 2 or 3 years later, mom got sick. From about 1974 till she died in 2006, she couldn't move. Nothing. Dad fed her. Bathed her. Exercised her. Listened to her. Dad did everything for mom. Now I was a kid, (13 the last time I saw her walk or move her arms) Dad basically gave up HIS life so mom would/COULD live. Even with home health aides a few days a week, dad was ALWAYS there for her, and he did everything for her. Even "bathroom" duty. After I left home, dad quit his truck driving so he would be home for her. I never really even heard him complain! I always knew - they were married! He SHOWED the right way to live, how when things are so bad, so "unfair", he didn't complain, just kept doing what was needed. I do know he depended on God to get him through. He showed it by LIVING the way God would want him to. He is the BEST!!!
Kimberly, Flinton, PA
Six months ago I was injured and unable to walk; on top of that I was pregnant, now wheelchair bound. I was used to being self-sufficient, the one to help anyone who needed a hand. I stopped doing everything I was used to. I was in a lot of pain, and felt like giving up. My father, a senior citizen, having his own health issues, stepped in and helped me when no one else would. He showed me that God knew what he was doing in my life, not to give up and that now I could spend the needed time with my own children. It was really hard for me to let my dad help me since he has hard time walking and diabetes for over 20 years among other health issues but doesn’t give up. My father would take my children to school; cook, and helping around the house. He would take me to my many appointments pushing me in a wheelchair. I could see how much pain he was in but loved me so much that he did not stop. If he loves me this much I know my heavenly fathers love must not have an end.
Carmen, Tucson, AZ
My dad is extra special in my life because he has been there for me in so many ways. He has filled many shoes. I have always wanted him to know what he means to me. You see my dad is actually my father-in-law that has actually taken the place of my own father who is not in the picture for reasons unknown. But my father-in-law has shown me through his love, the true love of a father's love. He has prayed with me, cried with me, and has guided me from the time I met his son, through having his three grandchildren, through all the tough times of life. He is the most amazing man I have ever met, he is ultimately the greatest Dad to me, to my husband, his brothers, and all the grandkids. Thank you Jesus for my dad!
Christy, Canonsburg, PA

I love my Dad for always being there for me, for his great advice and calming nature. I love him for his wit and dry sense of humor. I love the fact that he cries at church when a song touches his heart or when he walked me down the isle at my wedding. He has always been a strong disciplinarian, but always loving. He rededicated his life to Christ when he was 63 years old, when he knew that God was calling him closer. Dad faced some health problems then with his heart and decided from that day forward to follow Christ. He is 77 now and with the same quick wit and dry sense of humor. He loves Jesus and he loves his family. I can call him any time day or night and he is there for me with a strong, loving hug. I often get sad thinking of life here on earth without my Dad, because I so enjoy spending time with him just talking about anything. He has helped me through learning of my daughter's heart defect and has literally held me up and prayed for God to give me strength. Most recently, he was the rock for our family when I was diagnosed with a vascular lesion in my brain. Again, he stood strong in God's word and prayed for my healing. I truly love my Dad!
Barbara, Auburn, AL

"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." These famous words were once spoken by Mother Theresa, and by observing the millions of small things that my dad has done with great love I am able to see not only his love for me, but God’s as well. When I was a small child I remember him lifting me up on his shoulders during church so that I could see, snuggling close to him while he read me Bible stories before bed, listening to him sing, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” and going to the Christian bookstore to buy books and music that we could listen to and read together. As I got older we enjoyed long, in depth conversations about God, and His love and blessings in our family. Throughout the years my father’s many examples of kindness, patience, honesty and love in both his marriage and his relationship with me and my brother has really contributed to establishing and growing my faith in God. Thank you Dad, for your great example, for your unconditional love, and especially for gently escorting me to the path that will one day lead to our eternal home! I love you!
Leigh, Pittsburgh, PA
My Dad has been it “all” over the 43 years of my life — friend, provider, encourager, coach, pray-er, counselor, advisor. . . He has been a Godly influence in not only his words, but his actions portray consistent Christ-like love. He has supported me through some really rough times in my life, but he has also known when to turn me over fully to God’s care. I have had a blast with him as my softball coach and have so many fun memories I cherish. We have laughed so hard until our sides have hurt—whether it is his teaching me how to type a business letter or doing yard work together. My Dad is the best! He is a Man for All Seasons — God through him provides what I need when I need it. Thank you God for such a wonderful representative of You in my life!
Gwendolyn, Indianapolis, IN
Ivy, Roswell, GA

My Dad never let me doubt that I am loved. He stuck by me in my, what I thought was, unlovable teenage years. Now I am 40 and he still lets me know I'm his little girl. He has always been my rock, gentle in spirit and with amazing wisdom. You can see the Lord in his actions that speak louder than words. In the way he cares for my Mom, his wife of 40+ years, and in his leading of our family. My husband has come to the Lord after we were married, I believe due to the man he sees my Dad being. He said my Dad is a man he strives to be. He's been through some rough trials with his health and life lately, but that quite peace and faith in God carries him through.
Love you Dad, this is for you.Michele, Clear Spring, MD

My Dad has been a Godly inspiration to me through the years. I remember when I was just a little girl saying my goodnight prayers with my Daddy. Sometimes he would sing to me ...Precious Jewels.....little children little children who love their redeemer are the jewels precious jewels his loved and his own......... I felt warm, safe, and loved.
This year my Dad has been especially an inspiration because he has beat the odds! He was in a terrible head on collision and broke almost every bone in his body. We did not know if he would walk again. But he has continued to smile, laugh, crack jokes, thank God for surviving and for good it has brought in his life. He now walks a couple miles a day in the local state park. And even brought me medicine, crackers, and ginger ale when I was sick. Once a Daddy always a daddy! :)
As the years have passed many trials and changes have taken place but I will always remember the goodnight prayers with my Daddy. I will always remember how my Daddy kept the faith in the worst of situations. But maybe most importantly, I will always feel I'm one of God's Precious Jewels because my Daddy loved me enough to take the time to sing me those special words.Jessica, Virginia Beach, VA
I'm so proud to have my dad as my father. Throughout my life he has encouraged me to do whatever I felt the Lord was leading me to do. When I wanted to start piano lessons, he worked two jobs just to earn enough money to buy me my own piano! After he bought the piano, he drove me all over the place to get me the best teachers available including finding a retired concert pianist and convincing him to take me on as a student! I'm now a piano teacher and worship leader.
He (and my mom) have prayed for me throughout my life and often sent me a word of encouragement and even money though I hadn't told him what a hard time I was having!
When we were young he would often give money & time to those who were in need. He even invited an alcoholic friend to live with our family while he helped him stop drinking! That friend is still dry today - 30 years later.
Penny, Newark, DE

My dad has always been a good man. For all my life I could hear him praying for the blessings of father Abraham to be on his family. He always wanted me to have a walk with the Lord like his. Now that I am a man of 37 years that has made many mistakes I do see that I have got what he always wanted for me. And now as a father that loves the Lord Jesus I find myself praying for the blessings of father Abraham on my life and my children. He never forced his relegion on me. He just showed me with his actions. Now that my mother has passed I see he needs me more than I ever could see. I love him. And now he does tell me he loves me and he shows me everyday.
Walter, Hiram, GA
My Dad is no longer with us. He was a great father and great spiritual leader in our family. He taught us right from wrong but also taught us unconditional love. When my father prayed he sounded as if he was talking to his best friend. He led many people to the Lord. He was a deacon a Sunday school superintendent. My son now has his Bible and has found many notes and marked scriptures he uses at his church. My dad was a strong believer in prayer and taught us that. I was once going through a very rough time in my life and Dad showed up at my door with bags of food and told me God told him I needed these things. I guess I was too proud at that time to let dad know. When I met and married my husband my dad treated him as if was his son. My husband had lost his father to a brain tumor when he was thirteen. The tumor had made his father abusive which had given my husband problems and dads love and acceptance really help him. When my husband was ordained as a deacon my father spoke at the service. My Father was my hero and was loved dearly. I know he is in heaven with the One he loved and served
Debbie, Catawba, NC
I am writing on behalf of my daughter, Tracy, who is Down syndrome and cannot write for herself. She has a congenital heart defect and other serious medical problems. For 35 years her daddy, Lynn, has been right beside her, loving and praying for her daily. I am her mother and can honestly say that her daddy could not have been a better father. In July of 1992 Tracy was baptized, and her daddy has been a godly influence in her life. We love the Lord and worship him and know that Tracy is with us only because God has her in his hands. No matter how many hospital stays, her daddy, mother, and God are right there. There is no better father.
On behalf of Tracy, Dothan, AL
My dad gave up every thing to go be a missionary and follow God's calling in the Philippines. He is always working so hard, and He is such a great husband to my mom, father to us kids, and friend to us as well. He never argues with my mom and I can just really see how He desires to honor God above all else. He takes care of His family and does His devotions and that means alot to me, because sometimes you get so caught up in the Missionary work that you forget how much time you need to spend in the Word and we still have so much growin to do, and my Dad always encourages us in the Word =) i LOVE MY DAD!!!
Ashley, Waukesha, WI
My dad, Jim, is extra special because he accepted our adopted Chinese daughter into the family, as though she were blood related. When my husband and I were unable to conceive naturally, we decided to adopt. After choosing China, my dad supported us in every way he could. Although he strongly desired to travel with us, to get our daughter, finances would not allow him and my mom to both travel, so he decided that my mom would be more of help to us, since she is a nurse. For two and a half weeks, he was physically separated from his wife. On our return to the Ohio, he met us at the airport with a welcome home gift for my mom. He instantly fell in love with "Mikala", and was one of the first in our family to attempt her Chinese middle name and practice until he got it right. He has been a Godly influence on me, because he has a tract ministry to Asian people in general, and more specifically to Chinese. He always gives the gospel and and as a result, we had one Chinese college student attend our small church, get saved and baptized. Many times, I thank God for my Christian Dad and Mom.
Kendra, Urbana, OH
My dad is so special to me. He feels he is doing the Lord’s work if he puts a smile on someone’s face. Just thinking about my dad puts a smile on my face. He previously spent time putting smiles on faces when he delivered meals on wheels. Even though he would love to continue delivering the meals, today, he happily spends his days taking care of my step-mother, the love of his life for the past 37 years. She is bedridden due to cancer. All my days growing up, I witnessed the importance of God in his life. He taught me about faith and trusting in God through tough economic times. He brought comfort to me when I found out my husband of 23 years wanted a divorce. I was diagnosed with multiply sclerosis 9 years earlier. He called me every Saturday, checking up on me and making sure I was alright. I live in Florida. He lives in Missouri. Now his favorite line, “Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart.” That will see you through anything.
Patricia, Jacksonville, FL
My wonderful Christian Dad is 86 years old. It was 1922 when he was born into a very poor Kentucky family. His father was abusive, but his mother and grandmother were Godly women and prayed fervently for this firstborn son. His birth father deserted him and I have always believed that God, through his mother’s prayers, gave him a special anointing and deep love for His Savior and Word. He witnesses to all he meets and has led many people to Christ. He is a veteran of WWII, having served in North Africa and Sicily.
To me, he is the most special man I’ve ever known. He is loved and adored by every family member near and far. He faithfully cared for my invalid mother until she died in 1993. He raised 4 girls on a salary that today, would hardly fill your gas tank, but he tithed his meager income and God blessed and honored his gifts. I never remember a time when we didn’t have food on the table or nice things to wear. I love him with all my heart and count as precious every moment he is with us. To me, he is the greatest Dad!
Sharon, Mobile, AL
Hi, my name is Brook. The reason why I think my dad is extra special is because I been through so much in my life. I am a recovering addict. From the time I was young he always was the backbone of our family. My dad went through the same thing with my brother and my mom. Through all the pain, he remained strong and always believed in me and my family. He did what ever it took to save his marriage and kids. He always encouraged me to be the best that I can be.He never fails to tell me he loves me and is proud of me every single day. He is a contractor and carpenter and he goes every night in his shop to pray for my family and I. He has taught me to always pray and do the best that I can in life, and that whatever you work for doesn't come easy it just makes you stronger. He has inspired my life in so many ways. He always told me that you never fail until you give up, and to always pray and put God first. I love him!!!
Brook, Alexandria, LA
When I was born my real dad did not want me because he wanted a son and God wanted a daughter. I was rejected and fatherless in my early years of growing up. In 1989, I was introduced to the Greatest Dad that I've ever known. My Dad is the Greatest because He stands for total righteousness and obedience. He has taught me to forgive others when I have been wrongfully treated. He has taught me to love in a special way that I never knew I could love. When those that have greatly desired to see me fail and destroyed, He has taught me to pray for them. When I wanted to end my life He was there and gave me a reason to live. He has shown me that there is great work to be complete here in this world. Also, that I am able to live a pure, holy and honest life in this world. He has been the greatest prefect example for me to follow and for me to teach my children and grandchildren also. My Dad has been the GREATEST!!
Mary Alice, San Antonio, TX
My dad has always told me how much he loves me, and he is not afraid to show it. When I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease, God told me that if I pray with my dad, I would be healed. Because my dad was an agnostic, I had a hard time asking him to pray. But God kept telling me to ask him. Finally, about two years after getting sick, I asked my dad to pray. Not only did he agree to pray, but he wanted to pray every night. Each night we prayed my dad grew closer to the Lord. On Easter Sunday, 2009, my dad came to church with me and received Jesus as his savior. He and I keep growing closer, and I know his heart is growing closer to God all the time. I am so blessed by my dad, that he loved me enough to pray. Now he has eternal life in Christ. And today, I am totally healed, no trace of Lyme! Thank you Dad and thank you my Lord and my God!
Christina, Coram, NY
Hi, my name is Rhonda and my beautiful father is Thomas. My father served in the U.S. Army and went on to collage to become a computer programmer. While growing up we had God in our lives. My mother father and brothers had all were baptized and went to church, I wasn't baptized at the time, it wasn't until 20 years later that I found out why. While we were growing up we were rich with wealth and my father got away from God. When I grew up and met my wonderful husband I found a wonderful church Mission Village Christian Fellowship and was baptized there. My father attended my baptism reluctantly, but I think God had it all planned out twenty years ago. You see after I was baptized my father was so touched by the church and God that he came back to the Lord and has been going to church every Sunday that he can. My father is ill with heart related issues now, but despite it all he keep moving forward all the while holding on to his bible and he never lets a day go by without talking to God. I don't care about the prizes I just wanted to share a wonderful story about a wonderful man, my dad. I love you daddy, always. Love, Pee-Wee
Rhonda, Zion, IL
As a child I was a daddy’s girl. I was his shadow. Where he went I followed. He mowed the lawn, I followed right behind. He worked on his 1970s something truck, I sat in the engine paddling on. When he’d hang dry wall, there I was roller skating around him.
Over the years, I sadly grew out of being a daddy’s girl and onto my own, but one of my best memories of my dad is our nightly prayer time before bed. No matter what he was in the middle of he would come and pray with me.
I am so thankful for the foundation he and my mom laid within me as a child to depend on God for everything.
This past January I found out that my 58 year old dad had a cancerous tumor in his stomach and at one point we didn’t know what to expect. I of course thought the worst, but not my dad or mom. They stood strong in their faith and told us no matter what happened it would be God’s plan. I saw in them the most amazing strength, comfort and peace I have ever witnessed. It gave me the ability to stay strong and encouraged my own faith that God had a plan and that He did. Today my dad is cancer free. God did an amazing miracle in my dad and He blessed me with chance to be a daddy’s girl again.
Jenny, Grand Junction, CO

Fifty-four years ago, two parents gave their son a name that would reflect on him and his life forever. That noble name was Rock.
Rock, my father, is just that, a rock; a solid source of wisdom, strength and love. He’s the image you see when you think of a father; a true hero. Growing up, I remember him caring for other kids as his own; including them in parent-kid functions with us so they would never feel unloved. He was my devoted Bible school teacher for years; until I was old enough to teach the word of God to others. He has continuously supported each and every decision I have made, and been the biggest fan one could ask for. He has always been there to offer advice, give a good laugh and a strong shoulder to cry on. No matter what happens in life, I know my father will always be there for me.
At 21 years of age, I can say that I’m still Daddy's Little Girl...his 'Boo-Boo'; and I wouldn't have it any other way. He is truly my hero, my rock; and I’m so proud that I get to call him my dad.
Alisha, Scottsdale, AZ

At seven years old God blessed my sister and I with an extraordinary man we called "stepman". Back then I was so hurt by the abandonment of my biological father I couldn't even say stepdad. For years "stepman" put up with my disobedient, rebellious, tormenting persecution and took it all humbly and lovingly. As I grew up and became closer to God, my Heavenly Father, I realized what an amazing man "stepman" is. God showed me how much my "stepman" had done not only for me and my sister but for my mom, and his own two sons as well. He has continuously sacrificed everything for our family. His Christlike actions and love for us, treating us girls as his own children and showing us an unfailing love that our ungrateful behavior never deserved. Not only did he set an example of an outstanding father and husband but an admirable Christian man. I pray every day that I would be blessed with a husband and father for my future children just like my "stepman", who I am now honored to call my dad, and the best dad I could ever imagine.
Ashley, Fullerton, CA

If this was written in a formal manner, it would do no justice for who my father is. Who always has a joke to tell? Who wakes up every morning shouting, “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”? Daddy does! To everyone who knows him, daddy has the most joyous and colorful personality. If you dare have a conversation with him, prepare for comedy. Daddy’s perspective of life is like the famous song, “Don’t Worry; Be Happy”. In fact, his favorite scripture is Romans 8:28, ‘And we know all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose’. In addition to daddy’s bubbly spirit, he is a strong-minded, disciplined man of God, always having a word to impart wisdom on someone. He also has a heart of pure gold. Whose daddy takes food to someone in need? Whose daddy will open his door to someone needing a home? Ours! And what a privilege it is to say that. Spiritual, superlative, selfless, loving, intelligent, humorous, and the mastermind behind the world’s best curry chicken; is it even possible to have a more perfect daddy?!
Jillian, Louisville, KY
My dad,is asleep in the bosom of almighty God. He left behind a seed in the hearts of his wife, children, friends, and strangers that can never be plucked out. He told of a man who gave his life for us. A man who would never leave or forsake us. He told of a place of peace and joy unspeakable. He told of a love that never could die. He talked with this man everyday. He read a roadmap this man taught him to read, you see my dad could not read. He spoke in a heavenly langauge to this man. The sad part of all this is my dad had Alzhiemer's for the last four years of his life. He forgot the names and faces of the people he loved the most. But strangely enough he never forgot how to talk to this man in an unknown tongue. When ministers would pray for him, he spoke in an unknown tongue. He taught me that no matter who or what you forget in this world, the Holy Spirit never leaves you or forsakes you. He went with my dad to the end. And I know that one day when Jesus comes to wake him up, he will be rewarded for planting the greatest seed in the hearts and minds of all who heard his words of the greatest story ever told. My dad was a great minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jewel, Corinth, MS
My dad is extra special for just being himself. He is loving, supportive, hard working and devoted to God and his family. He never once complained when he worked several jobs to support our family of six as we were growing up. He never complained when we asked for things we were not aware he couldn't really afford. Coming from the south, he moved north to make a better life for his new family. He had hopes and dreams for his family. Now, that he is in his golden years all I hear from him is how proud he is of his children and what we have accomplished. I have told him I love him and appreciate what he has done for us, but I don't think he really knows my true feelings. Now that I am on my own with two teenage daughters, I value what he gave me as a parent. My childhood prepared me to love my children as I was loved. I know how it is to be encouraged and supported. My daughters are feeling his love through me and they don't hesitate to tell me. When they thank me for being their mom, I think back to when I said those same words to my parents. I truly love them and am glad they picked me to be their daughter. Dad, you are so loved and appreciated.
Letta, Sugar Land, TX
My Dad is special because for many reasons. First of all he is a Christian, God fearing man that taught us to be the same way. He read to our family from the Bible every night while we were growing up. He disciplined us through kindness and patience and explained his reasons for the type of discipline he was giving us. He stood by our mother as she went through cancer, sleeping at the hospital on a makeshift bed of two hospital chairs while she went through surgery and then 10 years later cried at her college graduation. He is my hero and will always have the qualities that I look for in a future husband. I am 22 years old now and he is still my daddy, working hard everyday for his family and going to church on Sundays. He is now a grandfather to my older sisters children and is even better at that than he was a father if that is even possible.
Jodi, Albuquerque, NM

My father has been my hero throughout my life, from childhood through my 35 years. He has never not been there for me. One memory I have of my dad I will never forget is my second grade birthday party at MCDonalds. He had to work & I was so disappointed he couldn't come. BUT he surprised me & made a way to show up, I have never forgotten that. He showed me the unconditional love that God has for his children and how the Lord just like my dad had, makes a way where there seems to be no way. My entire life he has worked two or three jobs in order to make sure we never went without. He & mom would have a tag sale every year so that they could take myself and my brothers on vacation to Florida every year. He has been what I will call a constant in my life. A constant support. A constant spiritual advisor. A constant Godly strength. He is a man of character, very thoughtful, caring, compassionate,extremely giving & w/the biggest heart around. He is always thinking about others and often comes bearing gifts for our family. We are now moving cross country to Montana from Connecticut, and I wanted my dad to know that he still is my hero, and always will be, & that I love him with all my heart. Love you much Daddy!
Melissa, Bristol, CT

My dad is the greatest because he has taken care of me and my family for my whole life. He has been integral in training me and my siblings up in righteousness. He has been a great influence on my life. As a doctor, he has cared for people in the community often putting other's needs before his own. Because of his love, I am following in his footsteps myself and will be a doctor in one year. My dad has been with us through thick and thin. He has always made sure that we were provided for, and he has found ways to make each of us feel special. My dad always returned from trips with a small present for us to help us remember that he was always thinking of us when he was away. My parents' marriage has taught me about love and respect, and I have seen a wonderful example of a godly marriage. I love my dad, and I think he's the greatest!
Arwyn, Macon, GA

My dad's name is the greatest because while he's not perfect he's a man of intergity, and honesty. My father has been a positive influence in my life. He prays for me and my family. Even though as a teenager I didn't understand the importance of the Godly teachings he tried to instill in me I am living proof that God's word does not come back void. Now that I am living for God he is still vital in my life and marraige. He teaches our married couples class at church. He always giving me positive and encouraging words or advise and an occassionally correcting. He' not only a great dad his twelve grandkids thinks he's pretty awesome! He said he wanted alot of grandkids and God sure did bless him. He makes it his top priority to invest in his grandkids life and to speak into their lives. So you see I know there are other great dads but my dad has shown me that you can be born into poverty and have nothing and with hard work and GOD on yur side nothing is impossible. God has blessed him financially and an abundant family he has started a new Godly legacy through his children and grandchildren and so on. I am honored to have him as my dad!!!!
Michele, Houston, TX
My Dad is great because he is the rock in my family, a source of strength, love and genuine caring. He taught us to always do the right thing and if he ever made a mistake he is the first to say so. He’s shown us that we are always to help others, even if it doesn’t fit into our busy schedule. Being honest, truthful, reliable, and loving God are some of the core values I've learned from him. I can always ask my dad any question and know that he will have the answer, or he'll help me find it. He’s also good at finding our missing shoe on a hectic school morning. He has worked so hard for my family and I always know that he loves me. Every decision he made while I was growing up, was for us kids. He was a great role model as a guy so that my sister and I found great guys to marry. He is the best dad in the world!!!
Krystol, Topeka, KS

My daddy is one of the people I love and respect most in this life because of so many reasons. He is the oldest of five children, and from a very young age he has cared for others, giving all he had to protect them. He saved a brother from a rattlesnake and another brother from drowning. He taught his little sister to drive. He served on the front lines in the Vietnam war and is a patriot to the core. For me, he is my hero, a listening ear, the voice of wisdom, and he grants me a heritage of honesty, respect, honor, and steadfast faith in God. He is a pillar of strength in my life, one I trust with my life, one whom I call for advice on the most difficult issues and I know I can trust his counsel. My daddy is my teacher. Teaching so easily, passionately, and effectively flows from him. My dad "can do anything". He can create, repair, build, formulate, and solve. He is very humble and gentle, yet strong and very brave. My daddy is one of the best friends I have ever had. I love him so deeply that words cannot adequately express this love. I know my Father in heaven better because of the love of my daddy. Thank you daddy. I love you forever.
Karen, Santa Rosa, CA
My Dad is extra special because my Heavenly Father especially chose him to be my Dad. He is a very loving, caring and concerned Father who has always and till this day puts his children before himself and we are all adults now. He has been a good provider to my Mother and also puts her before himself. He has always directed and guided us so that we would stay on the right path which is a Godly path. My Dad is the best because God gave him to me to help get me through this life with Heavenly Father's ultimate guidance. I am blessed to have two BEST DAD's in the world...one in the earthy realm and my Heavenly Father who I will spend eternity with in the spiritual realm.
Happy Father's Day Daddy and ABBA!
Joanne, Farmingville, NY

My dad is the greatest because when the doctors told mommy and daddy three years ago when I was born that I had Down Syndrome, mommy thought daddy would leave us but he didn't. Instead he told mommy I was his son and I was "perfect." I hear him tell me and God how blessed he is to be my daddy. He takes me everywhere with him and let's me know how proud he is of me. He sees me the way I know God made me ... perfect, fearfully and wonderfully made.
Nathan, Mount Airy, GA
My dad is the greatest man I know! He raised four young children by himself. He had some serious health problems and he worked very hard and long hours at his job as an electrician (often in pain) to support his children. There were times when he was in so much pain with his lower back and not able to move, but still would show us his patience, unconditional love, nurturing, and discipline, putting himself last. Dad had a way of teaching us how to take care of each other, especially in a time of great need. The look in his eyes would make us melt and we would do anything to help him. Dad was the most honest, moral, trustworthy and loving person in our lives. He never remarried and dedicated his life to us. He once told me "I will always love your Mother for giving me four wonderful children". My Dad also had a strong faith in the Lord. He took us to church every Sunday and prayed with us every night. Dad honorably served our country in the Navy and taught us to appreciate our freedom. I love my Dad with all my heart and thank him for all he has sacrificed for us. I love you, Dad.
Debra, Ringgold, GA
My dad is the kindest God fearing man that ever walked the earth. He and mom adpoted my sister and I when our mother (their daughter) married and divorced a violent man who tried to harm all of us. Dad was a strong and calm force who protected us since we were one & two years old. He would take us to church every time the doors were open. He taught us how to pray and participate in community outreach programs. Dad would count us as his own when introducing us to friends, people never knew we were grandchildren. He would spoil us by telling us how he loved us and thanked God for giving he and mom two more girls. Dad is pushing 80 and because of bilateral hematomas on his brain, he doesn't remember what day it is. He often calls us kids by different names. Dad these days gets easily confused, yet he remains calm and talks to our Lord. He enjoys seeing the youngest grandchild at church in the family pew. Gently reminding the youngest to pay attention, just the way he did for me.
Jennefer, Rialto, CA
My "best dad" has no one to boast about him to the public, so I would like to. The best dad that I have ever encountered in my 70 years is my son! Last fall,his wife of 18 years passed away, leaving him with three small children to raise alone. His wife's biggest concern was whether or not he would step up to the plate when it became necessary. I promised her that he would, knowing the man I had raised! He is the perfect example of strength and goodness for his children always leading with a soft, guiding, hand. He does all that Mommy did,only in a different way. This has made me more than believe that God does not give us more than we can bear, and gave my son a stronger insight for the precious lives around him. Thank you.
Judie, Lewis Center, OH
Most people who enter contest usually start off with restating the question, or just begin answering. The story of my father's meaning in my life cannot be precisely described in words. My father's hardships, treasured moments, and life choices affected every asprect of my life. From trying to get me to have the courage of getting on that two-wheeler bike, to having the strenghth to learn my own strengths and weaknesses. My dad helped me see what good I can do in the world, and what more i would miss if I threw it all away. He helped me see the light that shone through the black mass in the sky, helped me not spill the glass that was half full, and helped me see people for who they are and not who they are made out to be. My dad isn't just a person who sits on the couch and plays Mario on Nintendo all day while you sit at the table and try to learn how to add and subtract negative numbers, no, my dad is the person who will sit there with you and help you every step of the way, even if he would rather blow it off and tell you he'll help you later. He has that special quality that no other dad has. You changed my perspective on life eveytime something bad came up, you are my hero.
Kaela, Aurora, IL
My dad is like no other father. He has without regard for himself taken care of my handicapped sister for most of her life. He lovingly cares for her daily needs, which are considerable, as Crystal cannot walk or talk. He has been a Godly influence in my life and that of my brothers because he has shown what unselfish love is. I can relate to God my father because of what I have seen my Dad do. My sister is 52 and my Dad is 88, yet he never fails to be there for her and for me. Caregivers that come into our home are regaled by Christian songs ( my dad was an associate pastor and song leader) as well as the Gospel as he ministers to them and prays for them when they have concerns or problems. At 88, one of his greatest concerns is that God is using him to promote the gospel.
Ruthann, Inverness, FL

Words could never give justice to what my father means to me. I am the youngest and the only girl of three children, and like all children I like to think that I am my daddy’s favorite. My father has always been there when even I needed him all my life. From the time I started to cheerleading in elementary school to the day I played freshman football in high school, my dad always made my feel I could do whatever I wanted to do. My brothers and I were very active in high school so that meant lots of sport games to go to. My father never let anything keep him from any of our games. He was the one person we could always count on been their cheering us on. Now that I'm older I wish I could spend every day with my dad but being an army wife keeps me away from my family and even worse, my daddy. I now have to go were ever my husband goes and I miss my dad alot. I guess being away from my dad makes me appreciate him even more. With out my dad I would me nothing, and I thank God every single day that He sent me the best dad in the world.
Pearl, Walnut Park, CA

My dad passed away 3 years ago to be with our Lord. He fought brain and lung cancer like the warrior and 23 year Army Ranger that he was. He fought for every extra day with my mom, my sister and I, and more importantly his grand kids. He showed me daily, the concept of perseverance. He inspired me to honor him the rest of my days here on earth and through that, Father God asked me if I'd do the same for Him. I have chosen that and I am daily reminded when I look at my kids of that commitment.
My dad loved wholeheartedly, was incredibly passionate about life, never met someone he wouldn't help, and gave himself completely to all he encountered. He was a grandfather to every child that he spoke with, if they'd let him love them. He was and is my hero.
Only dad could be used by Abba Father to gain my daily commitment, because only dad was good enough to inspire me to greatness.
Gordy, Dahlonega, GA
My dad is a retired golf pro who worked six days a week including Sundays. Quality time with the family meant late night dinners together, working long hours with dad in the summer and an occasional golf outing with mom, my sister and me on dad’s only day off.
After I was grown, mom suffered a stroke that left her disabled and for fourteen years Dad faithfully and unselfishly cared for mom each day. At the end of this time, dad was at mom’s beside as she lost her battle with cancer.
Dad later apologized to me as he felt he failed our family over the years by not having us in church on Sundays. Even though we weren’t in church regularly, dad was and still is a witness to the family. He reads his Bible, prays faithfully, shares God’s word every chance he can and watches the 700 Club each day.
I told dad that I would not have changed a thing about my childhood. God was and still is the center of our family and I thank God for the special bond and love I share with my earthly father. This is why my dad’s so very special!
Terri, Conowingo, MD

My Dad was the most wonderful father to the both of us when we where growing up in then communist Hungary. He worked away from home a lot we only got to see him a week out of many months but when he came home to us his coat pockets filled with our favorite chocolates for us! Than he had to listen to Mom telling him what a mischievous two girls we where while he was a way but instead of punishing us he picked us up in his lap and told us about his childhood bad boy stories to make us feel better!He loved and missed us so much!
Now that I'm a mother I told my Dad stories to my daughter who was born in New York and when she went to visit my Dad she told him a few of those stories, my Dad was teary eyed so touched that I passed those stories of his childhood to my daughter his grandchild who lives 10000 miles away from him!My Dad tought himself english to be able to communicate with my daughter Roxy.He was injured in the war had a few large metal from the mine stuck inside his thighs but he always let us play horse with him jumping on his leg, never complained! He is now is 84 still living in Budapest, call him weekly he always has some positive things to say to make me feel better!
Elizabeth, Las Vegas, NV
There's not enough words to tell you how GREAT my daddy was. My name is Jeretta, I am 54 yrs. My dad spent 3 yrs. over seas in WWII to keep our nation free. He crawled in a 24-30 in. coal mine every day for 39 years to put food on the table. His knees would swell so big and have boils on them but he still would not miss a days work. He seen that we always had what we needed. He taught us disciplin, responseability, and respect. But most of all he taught us LOVE. He taught us the love of Christ. Christ will love you UNCONDITIONALLY. Well my dad had the love of Christ because he loved us UNCONDITIONALLY. My dad was 86 years old and I just buried him 5 weeks ago. He also taught us strength, he had black lung from the mines, then had a bout with lung cancer last year. As we took him for 30 radiation & chemo treatments he taught us strength and faith in God. He said he and Jesus would beat the cancer and they did. He took phenumonia on April 23 and died 25th. The bible says "Honor thy father and thy mother" that's not only while they're here but we are also to honor them when they are gone. My father taught me how to love like Christ does UNCONDITIONALLY.
Jeretta, Clear Fork, WV
Although my dad grew up as an orphan, having lost both of his parents by the age of six, he became a wonderful father and role model. When my siblings and I were young, dad had us line up behind him with pots, pans, lids and spoons, to tap with, drum on and clang together. The leader of our marching band played his harmonica, as we paraded through our home. My dad is an unsung hero, whom I greatly admire. Once, during a storm, a woman and her children were trapped in their vehicle beneath a railroad viaduct. Flood waters rose so high that the car doors could not be opened. Like the good Samaritan, my dad came to their rescue, as he stood in deep water, lifting each of them through a window, carrying them to his vehicle along with their groceries and drove them home. My dad is a patient, humble man of prayer and compassion; a man of integrity, who keeps his word to his own hurt. His deeds of mercy and kindness make you feel loved. His actions speak louder than words, as he sets an example of putting Jesus first, others second and self last.
Patricia, Milford, CT
Not too many Dad's live to almost 92 and are still doing what God called them to do, but such is the case with my Father. Even after we had to move him from his home last year to an assisted living facility, he found a way to continue to counsel young engaged couples there at his little apartment. He just started teaching a Wednesday night Bible study for the residents and loves to encourage the staff.
He has a deal with God that as long as he is breathing and useful, he will counsel and teach until it is time to go home. This perhaps is his greatest example to me...to continue doing what God has called me to do until I die.
Just for reference...he is a licensed marriage and family counselor...has macular degeneration and is somewhat deaf. When he teaches he has about 50 pages of very large notes he writes and is learning to use a computer again. It is not over until it is over!
When he came to the living facility, his memory was shaky and he could not walk straight. God healed him and he is happy to tell everyone he meets about God's healing touch. He is a remarkable Father and I am honored to be his daughter.
Cheryl, Lubbock, TX
My father chose to raise me alone after my mother left us when I was three years old. He could have easily given me up but decided to do the right thing and keep his daughter. Times were tough and I'm sure it wasn't easy for him raising a little girl on his own, but God always guided him and helped us along every step of the way! I just want to thank my father for always doing the best he could with what we had. We didn't have alot, but I ALWAYS felt loved and wanted by him. That feeling alone is more than money could ever buy. God blessed me with an amazing father and has now blessed him with two wonderful grandsons. My Dad is now 70 years old and was diagnosed with macular degeneration in his eyes late last year. He is thankful that God is letting him keep his eyesight for the time being so that he can see his grandchildren grow as he watched me grow. I love you Dad! Thank you for always being there for me and teaching me that even though I didn't have my mother in my life, I still had you and the love of our Heavenly Father!! You are my hero! Happy Father's Day! Love Bob, Sara, Bobby and Ethan...
Sara, Jackson, MO
My Dad was the most wonderful Dad in the world to me...
He wrapped me in his arms so tight and held me close when I was full of fright My Dad helped me to see how satisfying hard work is and helped me to understand it's importance in order to live My Dad Taught me how to stand fast and never give up hope on those we love He taught me the practice of patience that can only come from God above My Dad taught me that laughter is a reprieve from troubling times He taught me that self respect comes from the Heavenly Father and that all is right when one's life is in God's line My Dad helped me to see magical snowy nights and the quiet hush when the world is in a blanket of white My Dad taught me of the strange sleepy noises that penetrate the night My Dad taught me the meaning of love when I asked and he said, "yes." My Dad taught me the meaning of love when I asked and he said, "No."
My Dad helped me to see which way to go... Only the most gracious and kind Heavenly father would have been so wise as to have given me, the most perfect Dad for me
Sherri, Athens, AL
My dad is extra special because he has been an inspiration for myself and my 5 sisters. We lost our mom in June of 1984, she died at the age of 37 from colon cancer, leaving behind a husband who loved her dearly and 6 daughters. The loss of my mother was devastating to us all, we all greived her tremendously and went our own ways, my dad turned to God and let God begin the healing work on his heart, yes, it has been a struggle for him and he never remarried, he has always said that my mom was the love of his life, and that he could not give his heart to another woman, so what he did was pour his love to God and his daughters, here we are 25 years later and my dad is still going strong even with struggling with his own health and almost dying he will tell you that there is nothing like serving the Lord. I can always depend on my dad for his prayers, he prays for each daughter, our spouses and his grandchildren, (who by the way, adore him) daily. Watching him pray and play his Bass guitar for God, as he says always brings tears to my eyes. My dad is my hero, I consider him to be a prayer warrior and a loving Father and Grandfather. I thank God and I am a Blessed daughter!
Veronica, Flagstaff, AZ

My Dad, Merlin, was a pastor of a small church (in a house) when I was born. He worked so hard, as a social worker and a preacher. When I was 8, he was called to be a missionary in Trinidad and Tobago with the Church of the Nazarene. He took his family of 6 to the West Indies for 4 years, came back and then went back again for another 4, then went to Israel as a missionary. He always found ways to make us feel special. Once he took me to a house and when we were inside, he said.. go ahead, pick your drum set. There were drum parts all over... and I was able to piece together a premier drum set. My drumming was loud, and he didn't care for my music, but he tolerated it. When he was on the mission field in Israel, Saddam Hussein fired scud missles at Tel Aviv, and his assignment was terminated. As a result, he lost his missionary retirement. How unfortunate. He never complained. He just came back to the USA and became a pastor to seniors. He recently overcame postrate cancer, and is still going strong at 78 years old. He has given his life to love and serve people.. has thousands of friends everywhere, and his biggest pride is leading people to Christ.
Don, Stockton, CA
What I love about my Dad...
When I was a little girl, my Dad would tell my sister and I bed time stories. Each one of us would get to snuggle up close to him in his bed, under the wing of his safe arms. In his stories he would thrill us with how he saved us from "danger". My Dad would always end the stories in a very positive, upbeat manner. We had learned that in every situation "SUPER DAD" would save the day. We would both laugh and giggle in delight that our very own SuperDad was such the hero, and marveled how he always took such great care of us.
As a Christian mother of 3 wonderful children I know can see how those precious stories told to me as a youth have given me not only a perspective of my SuperDad on earth, but also how my heavenly Father has also always been my SuperDad, holding me, caring for me and saving me from every circumstance in life.
So Dad here is to you and how your precious stories, made an impact on my life in so many more ways than you would have ever known. I love you!!!
Lesley, Euless, TX
My Dad is the greatest because of his amazing character, love, and devotion. He loved my Mother throughout their 58 year walk together. He served her with a devoted, selfless love. When our Mother's health failed because of strokes and Alzheimer's, my Dad remained at her side. He cared for her physically when she no longer had the ability to care for herself, at a great cost to his own health and well being. He loved her so much that he literally gave up his own life to make hers better. He cared for her years beyond the point where she could no longer recognize him. Even though she couldn't talk, she seemed to know that this man belonged at her side, and that she was safe with him.
I accepted Jesus into my life when I was 21 years old. It was easy to believe that a Heavenly Father would unconditionally accept and love me. I knew that He wanted the best for me, wanted to help me, and would always be by my side. I knew that the unmerited favor and grace from my Heavenly Father was real. I knew because I had received the same from my earthly Father. If my Dad loved his family this way, how much greater is the love freely given to us by our Heavenly Father! I thank God for blessing us with our Dad.
Barbara, Mt. Vernon, WA
My dad is the greatest for so many reasons. He is lawyer and a father of 6 children who are all grown ups now, and I'm the youngest in the family. I'm 36 years old now but ever since I was a young child, all I could remember is that my dad taught each one of us to love God with all of our heart, soul and strength. Since I was 4 years old, my dad taught me memory verses until I grew up to love reading and keeping God's words in my life. He's not just a father to all of us but he's a great husband as well to our mom until now and they are going to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary next year. He's not just the provider of our financial and material needs when we were young, but most of all to our spiritual needs as well, and he even shares it down to his grandchildren. He prays and mentions our names one by one from his children to his in-laws down to his 14 grandchildren in his prayers day and night and I could hear it beacuse he stays with me in our house and I'm so blessed I've got a Godly father like him. He is going to turn 83 in August 3rd, but he still leads our Bible study with his children and grandchildren. He never stops encouraging and reminding us to always walk in accoradnce to God's will.
Judy, Wellington, FL

My Dad has a heart like God's! He adopted three little girls from three different backgrounds; including me, a baby resulting from a rape!! Our "DADDY" took us in and made us "SISTERS" telling us we were "HIS" Chosen girls; the miracles he and mother prayed for and waited for seven-years! Dad worked a regular mechanic job and never complained; he taught us the responsibility of having a family was never a burden; but a glorious blessing!! My Dad is now a grandpa to five grandchildren and five great grands!!!! His hair is snow white and he is more than alright. He was heaven sent and I praide God for him!
Rhonda, Ozark, AL
My Dad is the most remarkable man. Every time he opens his arms for me to walk into his loving hug, I am reminded of how much more my heavenly Father loves me. He worked long hard hours, without complaining, to provide for his family, which consisted of his wife and four children. Almost every vacation revolved around something educational. When he was home, he was involved with the family -- never just sitting in front of the television, etc. But the most important and memorable part, he made sure we had family devotions and prayer time, as well as taking us to church when he was in town and making sure we went with Mother when he was out of town. He believes you honor your word. It is because of his example of being a giver, that started me on that same path. It is also because of him and his training that I find it extremely hard to walk past litter of any kind. He always made sure we left our campsites "better" than we found them. He knows God's Word and believes God means what He said. He is also a wonderful loving grandfather and great-grandfather.
Audry, Easley, SC

My heart is abundantly warmed as I begin to type, thinking how my dad has given his all just to bless his family. He loves Jesus with all his heart, he is a dreamer with a pioneering spirit, and loves to enjoy life with his family. He tucked the best childhood possible under my belt. One of my fondest memories is: I was about 4 or 5 and my mom said that I needed to get dressed up because I was going on a date - the date was eating out breakfast with just my dad. Till this day, I still remember the fine details of that morning and how special that made me feel. One day, he told me that out of all the things that I have instilled in you, remember to always love Jesus (He is the most important) and desire a relationship with Him. He is building a legacy for his descendants that will challenge them to experience the dreams and destinies that God has placed in their hearts. The name carries on, traditions are passed, and love continues to grow. This is MY DAD!!!!
Amber, Amelia Island, FL
This is a dedication to my dad who went on to be with the Lord three years ago. My dad was the best dad because no matter what his faith in God stood strong. We were very poor. Dad always prayed and thanked God for whatever was put before us. Whether it was feast or famine dad always prayed and gave God thanks. He owned a Mr. Softy ice cream truck. Although times were tough dad never turned away anyone even if they did not have enough money to buy an ice cream cone. Many times that old truck would break down. As he would head back to the depot he would say a prayer of thanks. He was a determined man to put food on the table, clothe his family and pay the bills. As the saying goes "A man of many trades, a master of none". The day of my parents' fiftieth anniversary, finally after years of savings and much faith dad gave mom her first diamond ring. Dad was a Jewish man who loved God deeply. One week before his death he accepted Jesus into his life to be his Savior. Dad and mom were so in love, she died ten months later also accepting Jesus into her life. I accepted Jesus as my Lord because of my dad. I can't wait until we meet again!! Thanks Dad.
Lee, Tonawanda, NY
My daddy is the greatest because he has always tried being active in his children's lives. When I was younger, most kids my age never even talked to their father, but after school each day, my dad would actually sit down and listen to me about how my day was. He drove my older brother to all of his out of town rodeos, and he encourages me everyday to do my best in college, and go after my dream career. My daddy is a godly man, because no matter what, he always makes it to church twenty minutes early. It's a bonding time for him and I because at times, it is just me and him out of my family who end up going early. My dad had to drop out of school when he was younger, so he can't read very well, but that does not keep him from knowing the Bible. He watches Biblical teachings on television, and he has me retell him the stories in the Bible to ensure that not only him, but I know the Bible and understand it as God intended. As a kid, I wasn't really interested in being serious about God, but through my daddy's prayers and making me go to church, I have grown to have a sincere passion for Christ!
Samantha, Pleasanton, TX
Ever since I can remember my dad was thrilled to have us kids. My parents (still married and now close to 80 years old) raised two families - my moms younger 8 siblings after their mother died, the youngest was 18 months old. My parents made the best decisions for a young newly married couple and all are successful as is my parents' 4 children. He has always made time for God in his life instilling the values of Chrisitianity and teaching all what Jesus has done for us. My dad truely has been a fine role model. He has welcomed strangers into their home and made them feel comfortable, welcome and wanted, finding lasting friendships. He is mentally healthy and holistic thus being crippled and in pain for 50+ years. My dad stands up for what he believes, keeps a positive mind and lives Christian values daily and is also a great husband. I am so proud and ever so grateful to have him for my father!
Mary, Gordon, WI
My dad is the greatest man in the whole world. When I was 8 months old, he, and my mother took me in as their own. During his life, he, along with my mother have taken in over 750 foster kids, and left a lasting impression on so many people in the community. They both were featured in the Oregonian newspaper for their extraordinary contribution to the lives of others, and I am so grateful to be one of those individual's who has been blessed so greatly by his love.
Patricia, Lake Oswego, OR

My father is one of the most influential people I have ever come across. Even before I was conceived, my father has loved me unconditionally. He has taught me to be strong, and to be thankful for everything the Lord has blessed me with. My dad has taught me to think before I speak, and to pray about every situation. He has taught me to offer my prayers to the Lord with an open heart and mind, and to always keep my ears open, and my eyes searching.
My dad has faithfully driven a truck for Wal-Mart, and done his job with a joyful heart regardless of the difficulties life has brought. He has taught me to persevere, to press onward in the race of life. Also, he has shown that, when in doubt, one must consult the Lord. In his eyes, showing love to the world is far more important than anything else, even it is merely a kind smile to a passerby. He has taught me that everyone needs compassion, and that we must not judge others. He has helped mold me into a young woman, strong and compassionate.Jessica, Lee's Summit, MO

My dad has seven daughters, I am one of them. He practically raised us by himself. My mother passed away from colon cancer at the age of 39 and left my dad to raise the seven of us by himself. He was lost, didn't know what to do with us. He worked 14 hours a day in his butcher shop as well as raise us. We were not easy and he wasn't easy. I hated him for being so strict, he made my life very difficult because he did not allow us to do anything. I gave him such a hard time (all the time). I just turned 40 and my dad just turned 75. He has prostate cancer which has spread to his bones and probably other places, but he keeps the "bad" information to himself because he doesn't want us to worry. We now have a completely different relationship. He is my best friend. He still "lectures" me (as he calls it), but knowing that he doesn't have a lot of time, I love his "lectures". I take in every word he says because I don't know when it will be the last "lecture" I receive. I am crying as I write because I never met a man like him. He is the most loved man by everyone who knows him. He is a Godly example of how a man should treat his family and others.
Patricia, East Patchogue, NY