In this special DVD teaching, Pat shares keys to how he discovered God’s divine plan and the biblical principles he put into practice that resulted in tremendous blessing. These heavenly principles lead to the foundation
of CBN, Regent University, ACLJ, Operation Blessing, as well as many authored books.
Scott Ross joins Pat Robertson as Pat reveals the scriptural principles for understanding the unique plan God has designed just for you. The Bible declares that we are God’s workmanship—His own special creation—a
masterpiece of great value, living a life designed by the Master Artist: God Himself.
Order The Plan today to uncover how you can unlock God’s powerful plan for your life—and how to experience heaven’s provision to accomplish so much more than you ever dreamed possible! If you have a plan
for your life—God’s plan will far exceed it! If you don’t have a plan—you can know God’s plan today!
You’ll discover:
- The role of faith in finding God’s will
- How your obedience aids in the revealing of God’s will
- What happens when we go against God’s will (and how He brings us back
- Practicing God’s will (practical steps you can use every day)
- Why big decisions require big guidance
- Your compass in determining God’s plan
- What role your words play in God’s will
- God’s primary plan for us
Plus, your faith will be strengthened as you see these inspirational true stories of people who have encountered the plan that God had in store for them—a plan with life-changing results!
- How a newly married couple struggling and in debt discovers God’s plan and finds the faith to walk into His great blessing.
- Bev and Charlotte prayed for a great idea—a witty invention—to get their families out of financial trouble and God delivered a multi-million-dollar idea.
- How tragedy turned to triumph for a young wife—and how God revealed His plan in the midst of pain.
As you watch these powerful stories of God’s higher purpose, you’ll experience new levels of faith to see God work in your life too.
A Life’s Testimony: Knowing and Living Out God’s Plan
In 1960, Pat and Dede Robertson arrived in Tidewater, Virginia with three little children, $70 in cash, and a plan from the Lord to claim the airwaves from the prince of the power of the air and give them to the Prince of Peace.
Living by faith and fueled by the power of prayer—the fledgling CBN Ministries began broadcasting from an old TV station that barely reached the end of the block. Today, CBN reaches all corners of the globe with the
gospel of Jesus Christ through online evangelism, television broadcasts and humanitarian outreach that impacts hundreds of millions of people every year.
The anointed teaching and inspired testimonies in Pat Robertson’s The Plan DVD will impart faith to your Christian walk as you experience a fresh revelation of God’s plan to bless you and use you for his heavenly
purposes. As you put these biblical principles into practice, or share them with a loved one, you will experience a new level of confidence and empowered faith too.
Be Inspired By Excerpts from The Plan
God’s Protection From Mistakes
God Has A Plan For Our Good
When you become a CBN Partner, you’ll also get:
- Instant lifetime access to stream The Plan on your computer or smart phone, accessible anytime from anywhere.
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- New, exclusive teachings every month by Pat and Gordon Robertson when you join through online giving or Pledge Express.
The Plan, an exclusive DVD, is our gift to you, providing you with powerful insights into knowing God’s best plan for you and your family—and how to live out God’s wonderful plan.
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